Oct 01, 2016 05:25
Cook it, Craft it, Create it!
♥ For this challenge, we are going to get a little more hands-on! In other words you will be physically creating something by hand to represent a movie, tv show, or fandom.
♥ You can:
• cook
• craft
• sew
• make jewelry
• crochet
• knit
• decoupage
• paper craft
• cross-stitch
• etc
♥ Basically if you can make it by hand, we want it! If you have any questions please feel free to ask!
♥ If doesn't have to be perfect, it just has to be made by you!
Points 30 points for a photo of your creation + 10 points for a short paragraph/summary/description/outline (approximately 100 words) about your creative process (+1 for sigtag) 41 points total
Submit Submit your photo + summary in your team thread.
Due November 5, Midnight CST