Challenge #21: Titles A to Z (The Big Screen Edition)

May 18, 2016 18:13

Titles A to Z: The Big Screen Edition

This challenge is just like the Names A to Z challenge from last phase, only for titles of things - this week it's big screen movies (films that are or were theatrical releases). This time, there are ten chances to win with Lucky Letters!

To enter this challenge, you must pick one movie title and make one of the graphics, in some cases, filling the specific prompts.

Option 1.) Fan Mix Songs & 2 graphics total.

A.) Make a mini/EP fanmix inspired by the movie. For example: songs that fit a specific character, a relationship between characters, or the story in general.
At least 4 songs, 1 front cover at least 400x400px with text on the graphic such as a title title on the cover and 1 back cover/liner with song titles.

See examples @ waywardmixes.

Option 2.) Three icon set. Make three (3) icons of the movie following one of the two style sets posted below.
Set 1 Film Shots
click to view

Set 2 Coloring Styles

film shot info source

Option 3.) 2 Medium Banners/Image Edits/Graphics
Make 2 image edits (graphics, screencap or movie image edit or a digtal drawing edit) at least 500x500px or larger with AT LEAST ONE graphic filling one of the following prompts. The second one doesn't have to use the prompts.
1. Using one of these textures by lookslikerain.
2. Using two or more screen-caps. Make a blend or use blocks/levels but not a regular picspam with plain caps (see option 4). Maybe something like this graphic.
3. Using song lyrics for text on the movie graphic.
4. Typography graphic/Text-only movie quote graphic using at least two (2) different fonts or typefaces to create the design. Please include the quoted characters name on the graphic or in your comment so I know it's accurate.
5. A graphic with a character's face and/or body in profile.
6. Long shot/full shot of a character or characters shown on the graphic.

Option 4.) Picspams.
Make an picspam screencap edit of at least 8 images. Sizes 600x600px to 1280x1280px max (any orientation) using one of the following options.
1. A long-shot: Screen caps of wide-shots, extreme wide-shots/scenery shots and/or full shots.
2. Ready for My Close-Up: screen caps of close-ups.
3. Wardrobe please! (screen-caps that focus on characters' costumes, outfits and/or hair styles).
4. The End (use screen-caps of the very last scenes of the movie).

[A few screencap resources for movies.] screencappednet, fading_tomorrow, homeofthenutty grande_caps,,Shadow of Reflection, Doctor Macro's HQ Classic Movie Scans, Screencaps Best

How to Post Your Entry:

Please post your entry in the comments or post or a link to it at allthesuits or other journal under the thread for the letter of your chosen title.
You may enter 1 time.
You may use the "the" or choose not to use the "the" which ever feels lucky to you.
Example: The Little Mermaid under L or or T.
Important: For my sake, please keep your entries PG-13 when it comes to gore or violence scenes. Thanks!

Points: Each entry is worth 20 points plus 1 for using your sigtag and possible bonus points for picking the Lucky Letters.*

10 Chances to Win!

Lucky Letter #1 (add 20 points)
Lucky Letter #2, 3 & 4 (add 15 points)
Lucky Letters #5, 6, 7 & 8 (add 10 points)
Lucky Letters #9 & 10: (Add 5 points)

Total points possible: 20 to 41 points.

*I'm not eligible for lucky letters so following my choice of letter won't help you find the bonus points.
Lucky letters are as of right now, in a "sealed" post with time-stamped comments to be revealed when the challenge ends.

Due Date: May 25th Countdown Clock
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