Challenge 27 GO FISH Part 2
Description Those that are familiar with
Go fish may get the general gist of the game, but it's pretty simple.
You should have received
five cards here If you don't currently have 5 cards you can ask at that post, but i'm not sure how long it will take me to reply.
1. Post here to play!
2. Ask other players if they have one of your cards
3. When someone asks you if you have a card respond with either "match" or "go fish"
4. When you get a match, you both get +5 points
5. Those of you who have two of the same card, you can match more than once with that card
Please link your matches in the submission thread or you'll get NO POINTS.
Points +5 points for each match. You should be able to earn up to 25 points.
Due Date 12th March
Submitting Submit here, to this post. If you have any questions please ask in the “questions thread” below.