Names A to Z: TV Character Edition
This challenge is making things about your favorite characters from the television, with the chance to win a few extra points as well!
To enter this challenge, you must pick one characters name and do or make one of the following four things.
Option 1.) Make a mini fanmix for the character.
At least 3 songs, 1 front cover at least 400x400px with text on the graphic, such as their name or title on the cover.
See examples.
Option 2.) Make 2 icons including the character's name on it (not text-only icons).
icon by
Christinaa88 Option 3.) Make 1 image edit (graphics, or drawing etc) at least 500x500px or larger with the character's name on it.
Examples with actor names
Option 4.) Think of five (5) different character traits or moods. Find screen captures and/or gifs of your chosen character to illustrate each mood or trait.
One mood per screencap/gif.
Please list the character's name and the moods or traits you chose in your comment or entry.
You do not have to create the gifs yourself or do any editing to the screencaps but you are welcome to do so.
When posting large screen-caps in the comments, please make them thumbnails 500px wide or smaller.
You can use these lists to help with English language words about moods & traits.
mood vocabularylist of character trait words How to Post Your Entry:
Please post your entry in the comments or post or a link to it at
allthesuits or other journal under the thread for the letter of the character's name or alias.
You may enter 1 time.
You may use either the first name or last name of the character to place your entry.
Example: Lily Munster under L or Munster, Lily under M.
Points: Each entry is worth 20 points plus 1 for using your sigtag and possible bonus points for picking the Lucky Letters.*
Bonus points for picking the Lucky Letters.
1.) Lucky Letter #1 adds 15 points (a 20 point entry becomes 35 points).
2.) Lucky Letter #2 adds half to your points (a 20 points entry becomes 30 points).
3.) Lucky Letter #3 , 4 & 5. Adds 5 points. (20 points becomes 25 points)
Total points possible: 20 to 36 points.
I'm not eligible for lucky letters so following my choice of letter won't help you find the bonus points.
Lucky letters are as of right now, in a "sealed" post with time-stamped comments to be revealed when the challenge ends.
Due Date: February 19th (One week from this posting)
This challenge is now closed!