This challenge is drawing & guessing game much like iSketch. It has two parts. Part one is making your list of items you'd like to draw. There are a few options for your drawing list. You can pick either all TV & movie characters, all TV show & movie titles or mix & match them.
Important: Please use only TV shows and movies. No real persons, no bands, no Broadway shows, no reality show persons (titles of the shows are allowed but no individual names for example American Idol is okay, but not Simon Cowell).
If the characters are in both movies & TV just pick one option for the list.
When you post your drawings you will be adding the info to your comment exactly as it is in your list here, minus the names & titles.
Please fill out all sections of the form including your characters full name and the complete title of the movie or show your characters are from.
You can use a fandom more than once to use multiple characters from the same movie.
You do not need to pick twelve things to draw but you might want to have extra options if you see other people have used your characters and titles you don't want to repeat.
During the game you will only be posting eight (8) drawings for points (you could post all 12 from your list but no additional points will be given).
You must choose at least eight (8) things to get points for making your list.
After the guessing game ends all lists will be unscreened.
Bonus Points: 5 extra points if you use shows & movies listed in your
afulldeck profile & link to it in your comment.
This will let the guessers search for hints or allow me to give hints if the guessers are stuck.
If you don't have a profile yet, you may set one up.
Filled in example with made up fandoms:
1.) {Character Name} President Abigail Lincoln [TV] Title: The White House
2.) {Character Name} Dr. John Doe [Movie] Title: Doe Eyes
3.) {Character Name} Queen Jane Smith [Movie] Title: Queen of Clubs
4.) [TV] Title: I Was a Teenage Merman
5.) [Movie] Title: The Knave of Spades
Please use the form & submit your list under your team's thread.
1.) {Character Name} ______ [TV or Movie] Title: ____
2.) {Character Name} ______ [TV or Movie] Title: ____
3.) {Character Name} ______ [TV or Movie] Title: ____
4.) {Character Name} ______ [TV or Movie] Title: ____
5.) {Character Name} ______ [TV or Movie] Title: ____
6.) {Character Name} ______ [TV or Movie] Title: ____
7.) {Character Name} ______ [TV or Movie] Title: ____
8.) {Character Name} ______ [TV or Movie] Title: ____
9.) {Character Name} ______ [TV or Movie] Title: ____
10.) {Character Name} ______ [TV or Movie] Title: ____
11.) {Character Name} ______ [TV or Movie] Title: ____
12.) {Character Name} ______ [TV or Movie] Title: ____
Did you use fandoms that are shown in your afulldeck profile? Y/N
Link to profile (if used):
Notice: When part two starts no more lists will be added for points. You will still be able to get points but only doing the guessing. You do not need to do part one to play in part two.
Points: 10 for the list of at least eight items. 5 for using your
afulldeck profile. + 1 for your sigtag.
16 total possible.
Due Date: Friday, January 15th, 2016
Part Two Preview & Prep
If you'd like to start making your doodles for next week, please do not share them or any hints about your lists with anyone in gameofcards.
Drawings will need to be 600x600px to 1024x1024px you can use this
blank paper if you'd like.
MS Paint, GIMP, Krita, Ifranview or any software that has a pen/paint brush tool will work.
Please do your own doodles! You can use your program for tracing screen-captures with your own hand but do not use a line drawing filter or auto drawing tool. Drawings can be simple as stick figures or more elaborate.