Meme stolen from zerodetorres

Jul 18, 2009 17:43

a. Go to flickr
b. Type in your answer to the question in the "search" box
c. Use only the first page

(I definitely ignored letter c.)

1. Age you will be on your next birthday:

2. A place you'd like to travel: (I'm going here, Machu Picchu, and to El Brujo- both in Peru- for Christmas and New Years this year. And these plans were, ironically enough, made well before I discovered Bones.)

3. Your favorite place: (I lived in Urbania, Italy last summer and it was, easily, the happiest time of my life.)

4. Your favorite object:

5. Your favorite food:

6. Your favorite animal:

7. Your favorite color:

8. The city in which you live:

9. The name of a past pet:

10. Your nickname/screenname:

11. Your first name: (Not me in the picture, though. All of the ones for my name were lame.)

12. Your middle name:

13. Your last name: (Couldn't help myself...)

14. A bad habit of yours:

15. Your first job:

16. Your mother's name:

17. Your father's name:

18. Your major in college:


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