Challenge #29: Other Lives

Feb 22, 2016 21:24

Challenge #29: Other Lives

Description: Write an AU of an existing fandom. You can take a sci-fi or supernatural fandom and turn it mundane, take a mundane fandom and turn it fantastical, or just shake things up and give everyone a different profession: whatever you like.

By AU, I mean things like high school AUs, college AUs, coffee shop AUs, space AUs, detective AUs, medical AUs, spy AUs, bookstore AUs, historical AUs, etc.

Points: 5 points for every 50 words, up to a maximum of 25 points (250 words).
Due Date: Monday, March 7, 11:59:59pm EST
Submitting: Please submit your fic or a link to your fic to this post, along with your sig tag or your team name.

If you have any questions, please ask in the questions thread below.

Title: (optional)
Pairings: (if any)
Warnings: (if any)
AU Type:
Word Count:

If you have any questions, please ask in the questions thread below.


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