Challenge 42: End of Year Meme

Dec 27, 2016 03:37

1) Leave a comment saying you want to play!
2) Give others questions to answer.
3) Answer the questions you receive.

1- Your main fandom of the year
2- Your favorite film this year
3- Your favorite book this year
4- Your favorite album or song this year
5- Your favorite TV show this year
6- Your favorite anime this year
7- Your favorite Tumblr this year
8- Your best new fandom discovery of the year
9- Your biggest fandom disappointment of the year
10- Your TV boyfriend of the year
11- Your TV girlfriend of the year
12- Your biggest squee moment of the year
13- Your most missed old fandom
14- Your fandom you haven’t tried yet, but want to
15- Your biggest anticipation of the New Year

Points 31 total possible.
+10 points for your original comment (and reply to at least 5 questions!)
+2 points per question to others (up to 5=10 points).
+10 points for including something to creatively illustrate at least one of your answers (with a drabble, art, gif, graphic, picspam, photo caption, anything creative at all!)
+1 for sigtag.
Due Date January 1, 2017.
Submitting Please leave links to your thread, your questions to others, and your creative illustration in the submit thread in order to receive points for them! If you have any questions, please use the question thread below.


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