Challenge 24: Most Likely to...

Oct 14, 2016 04:37

Description A meme based off of those ‘best’ or 'most likely' categories at the end of a yearbook!

1) Leave a comment with a list of 5-10 FANDOMS.
2) Give others a fandom from their list and a number.
3) Answer the questions you receive with the name of a character.

1. best hair
2. cutest couple
3. best smile
4. most athletic
5. most dramatic
6. class clown
7. friendliest
8. best hugs
9. best dressed
10. biggest flirt
11. biggest party animal
12. best bromance
13. most changed
14. most dateable
15. most outspoken
16. most organized
17. most hardworking
18. most likely to succeed
19. most likely to end up in jail
20. most likely to take over the world
21. most likely to become president/prime minister
22. most likely to become famous
23. most likely to win a nobel prize
24. most likely to join the circus
25. best person to bring home to your parents

Points 41 total possible.
+10 points for your original comment (reply to at least 5 questions!)
+2 points per question to others (up to 10=20 points).
+10 points for including something to creatively illustrate at least one of your answers (with a drabble, art, gif, graphic, picspam, photo caption, anything creative at all!)
+1 for sigtag.
Due Date October 28 at Midnight.
Submitting Please leave links to your thread, your comment, and your creative illustration in the submit thread in order to receive points for them! If you have any questions, please use the question thread below.


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