Challenge 31: Q&A Pass-It-On

Feb 26, 2016 02:39

Description A pass-it-on question and answer meme.

1) Answer the the three questions provided by the person before you.
2) Pass along one of the questions that you answered plus two new questions (a total of three questions) for the next person!

Points 36 total possible.
+5 points for each turn you take, up to 5 turns (25 points).
+10 points for including something to creatively illustrate at least one of your answers (with a drabble, art, gif, graphics, picspam, photo caption, anything creative at all as long as it is 10 points of work.)
+1 for sigtag when submitting
Due Date March 10, 2016 at Midnight.
Submitting Please leave links for each of your turns and your creative illustration in the submit thread in order to receive points for them! If you have any questions, please use the question thread below.


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