Not Ivan (1)

Jan 21, 2013 14:46

Epbot strikes again. It turns out that Steampunk + Startrek = Barrayaran House Reds (and blacks. Or golds)

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pop culture in the pot 9 days old

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Comments 1

lhn January 21 2013, 22:57:17 UTC
"[F]orty years old... dark-haired... rendered a bit dish-faced by a prominent forehead and jaw that his nose and moustache had trouble overpowering." So no beard, it seems.

I'm a little surprised that (at least as of 2004) Bujold hadn't decided on Vorbarra colors. I don't remember if they've been mentioned since, but if she got past Gregor's wedding without describing them, I don't suppose there's been any great need since.


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