cross-posting and fake cutting

Mar 19, 2008 19:15

I emailed a few of our makers about this earlier this week, but then the idea of a seperate community for announcements and notices was thought up by Sarah the genius.

The best way to up the comment count on each of your posts is to cross post on other public icon communities that allow it.
ALSO, as an added bonus, it brings traffic to our community and will bring us new members.
REMEMBER, only cross post in communities that say it's allowed!
A good list of communities is located here in my user profile, under "member of:".
Not all of the communities I'm a member of are actually cross posting communities, though, so be careful about what you join.

If you don't know what cross posting is,
That's when you go to a community and post three or two teaser icons just like you do at carbonated icons, but then, instead of doing an lj cut, you put a link to the entry on CI, so when someone clicks on it, it brings them straight to our community.
the coding for this is something along these lines:

here at
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