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Comments 13

eggsandshells December 16 2005, 03:54:42 UTC
You write like an angel.
You always have.

I want to reply to this but I am still working on finishing up the final touches of my ess-ay
and I have been up for 15 hours now and functioning on 1.5 hours of sleep!
Tomorrow or the day after I will.

I hope your exam had flying rainbows!


carbonatedsass December 22 2005, 14:19:57 UTC

I hardly think I write like an angel. I think I'm a bit more blunt than that. You, on the other hand, write like an angel. I think that's more appropriate for you.

How the hell do you function on 1.5 hours of sleep? Really! I did that once and caught a cold.

Do flying rainbows have eyes so they can see where they're going?


eggsandshells January 4 2006, 19:31:35 UTC
Well thanks :)
Angels don't write.. they play harps and fly around!

That was the first and only time I've had 1.5 hours of sleep I think.
Pretty crazy. I'll say "never again" but knowing me it'll probably happen once more or twice.

Rainbows don't have eyes silly.
They have a GPS system.


carbonatedsass January 5 2006, 20:04:19 UTC

I wonder, if you're a rock star, and you become an angel, do you have to switch your musical instrument.

I'll have to keep my eyes peeled for the rainbow GPS system the next time I see one.
Is it right by the pot of gold?


eggsandshells December 18 2005, 04:29:02 UTC
What does the subject mean?
It looks like you smushed a whole string of words together (I do that!) but I'm guessing it's a real word.

I don't know what stale peanut smells like.
I don't think he looks like a thirteen year old without facial hair!
Eye give away age usually.
I have a craving for clementines now. They're so much better than oranges.
I come home to an iceblock too.
Then my hands and feet turn to popsicles.

p.s. I dig your new icon.
Girl on skates on a tennis court?


carbonatedsass December 22 2005, 14:25:12 UTC

From Merriam-Webster:
Main Entry: hir·sute
Pronunciation: 'h&r-"süt, 'hir-, "h&r-', hir-'
Function: adjective
Etymology: Latin hirsutus; akin to Latin horrEre to bristle -- more at HORROR
: HAIRY 1; especially : covered with coarse stiff hairs
- hir·sute·ness noun I actually didn't know if hirsuteness was a real word. I have this tendency to tack on suffixes and call whatever it is a real word in my world ( ... )


eggsandshells January 4 2006, 19:52:40 UTC
Yeah, I make up words too!
They just seem cooler that way.

I JUST saw that Simpsons episode the other day.
Moleman is funny like whoa.

When I first met Lucas he was clean shaven I think.
And I think in those pictures I took of you guys in b/w as well..

Tom Cruise is psycho.

An electric blanket!
I wonder how those work actually.. like, can you burn yourself in sleep.

p.s. Yes, I realised afterwards that I actually had that Cig Harvey girl on skates pic saved on file!


carbonatedsass January 5 2006, 20:03:11 UTC

I went back to the B/W pictures, and he's clean on the top but not on the chin! So I doubt you've seen Lucas completely clean-shaven.

I wonder if electric blankets can burn houses down.
One of my major worries is an electrical fire. I always triple check that switches are actually, truly, for real, off. Am I OCD or what?


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