Music, Dreams and Drafts--

Feb 13, 2013 00:12

Today seems determined to (musically) depress me, but in beautiful ways. No, no, hang on, stick with me, here. I'll make sense in a moment.

I finally got around to watching the second episode of Cracked, a new Canadian police procedural about a newly-formed "Psych Crimes Unit" tasked with calls that deal with the diversity of people suffering from ( Read more... )

fandom:sean bean, fandom:media:music, personal:life, fandom:media:movies, fandom:viggo mortensen

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Comments 8

koulagirl666 February 12 2013, 11:26:42 UTC
Cracked sounds interesting and I'm going to see if it's on here right now. I watched the first episode of a show called Motive the other day and while I'm not sure exactly what the premise is other than it's a procedural where we know who the killer is upfront and the question is why instead of who dunnit, it was really good (but Samandriel from supernatural was in it and that was distracting).

I love writing longhand and then typing it up. It makes editing so much easier for me, because I'm forced to actually read it again and then I can fix it while I'm typing, rather than glancing over it or find-replacing things and not seeing the piece as a whole. If that's not how you work then maybe that isn't a huge factor for you, but it actually makes editing shorter for me (on the rare occasion I still write), so I thought I'd put that out there.

*hugs* for everything else there isn't really words for.


caras_galadhon February 12 2013, 11:59:43 UTC
*G* Cracked has promise at the very least, and it's one on my list of shows I'm going to need to catch up on once I'm done and home again. Let me know if you need help finding it, ok?

Oh, man, I hadn't even heard of Motive until I just looked it up now, and I know why: it started at home on the 3rd, and I've been back in NZ since the end of Jan. Damn. You'll have to let me know if it keeps being interesting, and thanks for the head's up! (*snerk* Looks like it's filmed in Vancouver, which would explain Samandriel ( ... )


j_flattermann February 12 2013, 11:35:19 UTC
It might sound odd, but I can only work in that fashion (Writing stories out in longhand first).
Somehow the writing on paper is something that keep my braincells going it seems and that despite the fact that I am still after decades suffer from writing cramps in my right hand.

However, I find that whatever I have written out never finds a one to one copy in the posts in the end as I am starting to tweak what I have written as soon as I start typing it into the computer.


caras_galadhon February 12 2013, 12:09:17 UTC
Nah, it doesn't sound odd at all! I know there's plenty of people who prefer to write longhand, then type things up. Me, I tend to do whatever is most convenient at the time, and my only slight preference is that I can type faster than I can write. ^_^

Oh, definitely! I tweak as well when typing in a longhand draft; I imagine it's a good thing to do, getting the editing process started early.


bluegerl February 12 2013, 14:08:47 UTC
That 'Weighty Ghost' is sad... he felt safe in his childhood. Oh dear.....

And aren't you lucky having dreams where you can actually have long enough to chat with your 'men'... chastising Sean..hahahah love it! (he's a terrible flirt, so just as well you did!) Wish I had dreams of such value.
And poor doggie. Very clever, but it was sad, even without the song.

Ick, writing longhand... can't keep up with brain that way. or if I try it is illegible after so editing anything would be hors question!

HUGS for sad songs!!!


caras_galadhon February 14 2013, 12:38:02 UTC
*snerk* I have ridiculously chatty dreams, for some reason. Which never really go anywhere. Even the zombie apocalypse dreams just get derailed without getting much done, and then I wake up thinking, "Well. That was disgusting."

Typing is definitely a faster way of writing, that's for sure! But at least for me, longhand will do in a pinch. ^_^



foxrafer February 13 2013, 17:28:19 UTC
I think that Futurama thing (I didn't watch it, only read your description) is not even sad, it's just completely cruel, to the characters and the audience. What a horrible thing to throw into what's supposed to be a comedy.


caras_galadhon February 14 2013, 12:32:25 UTC
Ah, nah, it's not like it was a shocking pull-the-rug-out moment or anything. Futurama's fairly complex for a comedy: they've had more than one episode that deals (humorously) with environmental issues, they enjoy referring to obscure science and science fiction, and there's a general narrative through the whole show where there's at least some character development and arcs that grow and change with the show. The Seymour episode is fully sentimental, so while the end is deeply sad, it's not out of left field; the rest of the episode is about Fry's memories of the past and those he's left behind, and issues of jealousy that surface for his best friend in the future, Bender. And, well, the other episodes I mentioned are sentimental in similar ways too, not always sad. It is one of those episodes that's thought of both fondly by fans of the show, and quickly followed up with declarations about how hard it is to watch it more than once. ^_^


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