Title: DIY
Author: Galadriel (
Fandom: LotRPS
Pairing: Sean Bean/Viggo Mortensen
Rating: NC-17
sons_of_gondor and
Feedback: Always appreciated.
Disclaimer: Absolutely did not happen. Full of sound and fury, signifying nothing.
Summary: A moment of mischievousness opens up a world of possibilities for Viggo, even if he does
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Comments 17
Viggo found himself entranced by the way Sean's muscles bunched and lengthened, the way his back bucked and curved as each new blow landed. I found myself entranced reading it, very much so...
in having Sean spread out across the bed, across his lap, shuddering and twitching, ass in the air, as Viggo's hand came down again and again. So very, very hot.
Yes, Viggo could get used to this; there was definite merit in watching Sean come undone, and perhaps it wasn't so bad if it involved a little DIY., *nods* Hell, yes.
Thank you so much for writing this; I love it.
(quietly faints in the corner, clutching pc to read over and over and over and over....mmmmmmeeeeeeep)
And how very fitting to title the whole thing “DIY”.
Love it, love it.
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