An open letter to Sam Winchester, on his 34th birthday

May 02, 2017 12:45

Sam, I know everyone is taking this day to talk about how brave you are, how kind, how compassionate, how strong, how smart, how thoughtful. And all of these things are true. But I'm here to talk about something else.

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meta, 12.19 the future, supernatural, meta: sam winchester

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Comments 24

quickreaver May 2 2017, 18:00:51 UTC
I love you. That is all.


caranfindel May 2 2017, 18:40:46 UTC


madebyme_x May 2 2017, 18:18:49 UTC
I love this post!!! He has history with odd clothing and like you say I'm sure it's just what he can find that fits (and perhaps a little bit of he doesn't deserve anything nicer or prettier - but you do, Sam. You do!!)

I still think that this is his spare jacket, the one he doesn't really like wearing but has no choice because his others are either covered in something gross that he can't wash out (yet, there will research!) or are in the washer as we speak. Maybe Dean bought it for him as a joke, and Sam wears it just to spite him! Or maybe Sam was temporarily injured when Dean bought it, and couldn't really see the colour clearly, and now that he can, he wears it on purpose!!!


caranfindel May 2 2017, 18:41:26 UTC
Maybe Dean bought it for him as a joke, and Sam wears it just to spite him!

I love this!


indiachick May 2 2017, 20:32:32 UTC
In this fandom, we headcanon our boy's jackets. <3333


caranfindel May 2 2017, 20:50:56 UTC
Because we are insane!

(I'm working on an actual fic about Sam's hoodies. Swear to chuck.)


septembers_coda May 2 2017, 19:46:45 UTC
Honestly, I mostly don't think Dean dresses THAT much better than Sam. And I kinda like burnt orange on our Moose.

But. ALL THE LOVE IN THE WORLD for "If you were Tolkien characters, Dean would be the most handsome man in Middle Earth. And you would be an elf."

That is not only true, but is the best. analogy. ever. <3 <3 <3


caranfindel May 2 2017, 20:52:13 UTC
Honestly, I mostly don't think Dean dresses THAT much better than Sam.

He's a lot less likely to wear an unfortunate plaid shirt!


septembers_coda May 2 2017, 21:02:23 UTC
Eh, I dunno. He's got plenty of plaid, even if Sam has more. Dean's plaids are just more boring.


caranfindel May 6 2017, 19:25:06 UTC
DId you watch 12.20? Sam's plaids were VERY BAD.


septembers_coda May 2 2017, 19:50:38 UTC
Also, I haven't been bothering much with Bunker posts lately, but your post was an open letter on Open Letters day AND Sam's B-day... so I posted it. :-D


caranfindel May 2 2017, 20:52:27 UTC
Cool. :)


cuddyclothes May 2 2017, 20:15:42 UTC
Now I want to see a series of pictures by you re-coloring Sam's clothes. And maybe making every Dean wears paisley.

... )


caranfindel May 2 2017, 20:52:54 UTC
That can be my hiatus project!

(Sammy's wearing my birthday present!)


cuddyclothes May 6 2017, 17:11:40 UTC
Go for it!!!!


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