Title: To Speak
Pairing: Jessica x Tiffany
Rating: PG
Genre: Fluff/Angst, AU
Word Count: 1,582 words
Summary: Not being able to speak to other people hurts. Falling in love when you can't speak hurts even more.
A/N: Read an interesting article about Selective Mutism, thought I research it, and voila~
Why should you care about strangers when everything of your world is in the safety of your household? )
Comments 26
That ending...
Just when Jessica had finally managed to spit her feelings out, you have to slam her down again. Now, Jessica will never speak again.
Damn! Why did she have to have a bf? Why? I'll kill the bf!!! OMG you made me hate Tiffany so much. Even though she's my favorite Soshi member.
Oh, and btw you're fic reminded me of Gaga's "Speechless".
Especially the line in the lyrics, "I'll never talk again". So true.
Huhu, I must be really evil right now. :(
You really are talented, the way you wrote was just gaahh
In the end Jessica did finally have the courage for a confession only to be left broken again. In my mind I can already see Jessica closing up again and not speaking till maybe another person comes? That's the beauty of this ending, now you can imagine another pairing to it (lol even though I'm JeTi biased I can't see Tiffany choosing Jessica over her boyfriend at the moment)
So I'm just imagining a happy ending after this.
Continuation would be lovely but you shouldn't force yourself to write one 8)
And damnit my comment is way to long and ranty, sorry bout that
You're awesome, marry me (lol)
(if I'm out of options, I'll think about it LOL) x3
Thanks for reading!~
ahhh i love what you did though! it was so effective and i could really feel what Jessica was going through, the irony!
ahaha thanks for sharing this :D
keep up the great work! hopefully next time its sth happy XD
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