Title: Pepero
Pairing: Jessica x Tiffany
Rating: G
Genre: Fluff
Word Count: 381 words
Summary: On Valentine's Day, you don't have to give someone expensive diamonds and cars; You can give them little things that they can treasure just as much.
A/N: Just a lil' somethingsomething for Valentines day. ♥
It’s several days before you have to leave for America, the day when you leave me alone for Valentine’s Day. There are so many things I want to give you, and yet not really. I don’t want to give you the stereotypical chocolates-in-a-box and balloons, or a gargantuan teddy bear. I’m afraid you might over-react if I bought you a diamond ring, or something worth more than our allowance. I hate that I love you so much, that you’re driving me to the edge for a simple present.
It’s a day before you have to leave for America, and after frantic attempts of picking a gift, I found one. You’re in your room body-slamming your baby pink suitcase to close shut. I can’t help, but laugh at your cute display. When you take notice of my presence, I reveal the wrapped present hiding behind my back, saying “Happy early Valentine’s Day.”
It’s funny that I don’t cringe anymore at your high-pitched squeals, and instead just admire your delighted face as you snatch the present away from my hand, neatly tearing away the pink ribbons and wrapping paper.
I stare anxiously at your face when you rotate the red box in your hands. Were you disappointed? Happy? I couldn’t tell within those 5 seconds of silence, but when you said, “It’s not even November…” my expectations crumbled into a million pieces.
How stupid I was to get a little box of chocolate-coated sticks.
How stupid I was to think it would make you happy.
How stupid I was to ruin your perfect Valentine’s Day gift.
I was too depressed to notice you opening the box, and pulling out a stick. You slightly press the chocolate end of the stick into my mouth. “Eat it,” you commanded. Too depressed to disobey, I started munching away the cookie, the stick slowly decreasing in size.
When I finish the chocolate covered part of the cookie, you surprised me when you pressed your soft lips onto mine, biting away the remainder of the stick left. You pull away, reveling at my stunned face.
“I love it.” You said.
We shared the box of Pepero until it was finished, sharing indirect kisses (and maybe hot kisses) every now and then.
How stupid I was to doubt your love for me.
It sucked didn't it? Anyways, Happy Valentine's Day everybody!~ Penny for your thoughts? :3
*side-note: Pepero Day (a day for couples to exchange pepero and candies) is on Nov. 11th.