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Doctor Who, Ashildr | Me/Clara... merryghoul December 24 2016, 14:40:39 UTC
from the POV of an unseen narrator. (LJ wouldn't let me add that part in full to the subject header, sorry.)


I was driving to McDonald's when I saw an American diner situated between a Wendy's and a Burger King. Two women stepped out of the American diner, wearing skirts, leggings and boots; they were exchanging knowing glances and smiles, and I'm certain they said a few things to each other. But before I could get to the front door of the diner, hoping to have something that wasn't one of McDonald's burgers, the two women ran away, as if they were fumes of smoke fleeing to get away from a burning flame, trying to get back up into the sky.


RE: Doctor Who, Ashildr | Me/Clara... silvr_dagger December 31 2016, 19:17:27 UTC
Ooh, very nice! I love the outsider POV, and the image of smoke fleeing from flame and trying to get back to the sky is lovely.


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