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anonymous November 29 2016, 21:49:31 UTC
Yuri on Ice, Leo/Guang Hong, relationship across time zones


yuuago November 30 2016, 01:58:22 UTC
I'll quit SMS, Guang Hong had said, but neither of them believed it, and the proof that he would never stick to it was in the messages Leo woke up to every morning, sent at all hours of the night across sixteen time zones.

Leo never scolded him for it, even though he wondered if he should mention it; instead, he always talked with him for a while, until the clock edged toward the top of the hour, and Guang Hong's typing deteriorated beyond what could be excused as a casual style.

He never said You need to go to bed, even if he knew it was midnight over there; he only said I have to go, and Good night, and maybe Sweet dreams - and some day, Leo told himself, he would find the nerve to also say I love you.


anonymous November 30 2016, 03:34:56 UTC
(Not the anon who requested this but AHHHH this gave me lots of feelings. In a good way. <3)


yuuago November 30 2016, 13:01:02 UTC
(<3! Thank you. :D These two are just way too adorable, pfff)


thyried December 4 2016, 06:41:27 UTC
Gosh, these two are way too sweet. Tiny nitpick, though: do you perhaps mean SNS instead? But otherwise, loved this <3


yuuago December 4 2016, 18:35:32 UTC
<3 Thank you! And yes, oops, hamfisted typing strikes again. Off to fix it in my DW backup, thanks for pointing it out~


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