There's a comet in the way, and Anael turns a 360 around it and trails star dust behind as she hurtles towards Balthazar.
It's like reaching for a shadow, and she bites back a snarl of (far too human) frustration and wheels again.
"If I said you had a beautiful body, would you hold it against me?" Balthazar says, who is nothing but dark matter, and Anael illuminates him in the glow of the comet she's towing.
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It's like reaching for a shadow, and she bites back a snarl of (far too human) frustration and wheels again.
"If I said you had a beautiful body, would you hold it against me?" Balthazar says, who is nothing but dark matter, and Anael illuminates him in the glow of the comet she's towing.
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