Title: Nineteen Twelve 5/?
caramelapples11 Fandom: The Devil Wears Prada (film)
Pairing: Miranda/Andy
Archive: Please don't archive.
Rating: M (for future reference)
Disclaimer: I do not own any of the characters which are recognizable.
Summary: Andy Sachs wants to write. Miranda Priestly is a better businesswoman than her husband. It's 1912 and both
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And incredibly rewarding! Every time I receive a review from you, it makes me glad that I updated. Truly.
I'm very pleased that you're enjoying, very much so, actually. Because I wanted Sam to be a believable character and not a cliche, and I wanted him to be caring to Andy for the sake of being caring and not because he was evil and wanted something from her. XD And I couldn't figure out how to write Nate and so I created my own character. Very glad that worked out indeed. :D
I've always had a soft spot for Emily in the film and I couldn't resist including her in the fic.
I cannot thank you enough for writing these marvelous reviews every time I update. Late or not, I will never be less than thrilled whenever it is a review from you because it's so well thought out! Thank you so, so much. For reading and for the feedback. ♥
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