Summer Lyric/Quote Fic/Art-athon

May 05, 2006 01:17

__hp_love, quills_inkstain, and The Quidditch Pitch are affiliating this summer to host a ficathon.

My usual problem with ficathons are that there are always people that write a fic but don't recieve one.  Or the person hosting has to write several or beg people to write back up.  I know I don't have time for that, and I'm pretty sure that crystallekil and _shallowchilde are too busy as well.  So we're going to do this a little differently.

One obvious difference is that you can do art/manips/layouts etc. instead of fics if you don't write.

The other is that you don't get to request anything, and nothing will be assigned to you.

We've complied a list of over 60 songs (some full lyics, some single lines), and quotes for movies, television, and books (none from HP) and posted them here.  If you want to participate find a lyric/quote you'd like to use and comment to on this post.  Or you can email me at if you'd prefer not to comment.

Include all of the following information:

Your Name (Or LJ name):
Your Email:
The Number of the lyric/quote you want to claim:
Art or Fic:
  1. Sign ups begin May 1.
  2. Sign ups will run at least 2 weeks, if all lyrics/quotes are taken in less than 2 weeks we’ll add more.  If they aren’t all used, people can continue to claim them until they’re all taken.
  3. Each Lyric/Quote can be claimed once for fic and once for art.
  4. Entries can be any character or ship, any genre, any rating (no character/’ship bashing because it would defeat the purpose of the comm.)  Check the rules at other participating communities to post there. 
  5. Deadline for entries is July 31, but you can post whenever you’re finished.
  6. All entries should be posted to __hp_love, with ficathon in the subject and which lyric/quote you claimed in the header.  You may also post them to The Quidditch Pitch and link them here.
  7. For song lyrics, you can use the lyrics in the fic, just the title, or even the general theme of the song (for fics).  If you’re choosing a quote, the entire quote should be used in the story.  For art, you should use at least 3 consecutive words from the song or quote in your art.  Art can be anything from drawings/paintings, to icons (must be at least 5 or part of a set, such as a layout), banners, wallpapers, manips, LJ or Website Layouts etc.
  8. Fics should be at least 500 words.
  9. The Song Lyric quotes can be used alone or if you wish to look up the lyrics and use the entire song you can do that as well.
  10. If you claim something and then decide you can’t do it, notify me so that the lyric/quote can be claimed by someone else.
Claim your Quotes!

admin: challenge: monthly

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