Title: Prattle
Pairing: Sirius/Lily
Word Count: 156
Summary: Sirius is at once annoying and affectionate... much to Lily's chagrin.
Author's Note: Dialogue fic written for
nosmutforyou's "Pairing Justification Challenge".
“You’re a complete prat.”
“But you still like me.”
“I don’t like you-I just like to have you around for entertainment purposes.”
“Sure, sure, you go ahead and tell yourself that. We all know what you really mean.”
“And what do I ‘really mean’?”
“You like me because not only am I brilliant, but I’m also a brilliant kisser and an excellent cook.”
“Quit grinning at me. You know you’re a prat as much as I do. Right now is a prime example-and you can’t cook for shit.”
“Can too. And if I’m such a prat, then why are you stroking my hair?”
“Because you’re less of a prat than James. Now be quiet. Or would you prefer I stop?”
“What was that?”
“…Please don’t stop.”
“ ‘Please stop’, you say?”
“I knew you liked it.”
“Yeah, well… Admit it, you like my cooking.”
“Fine. But you're still a prat."
“I know.”