Review: Mannequin 3: The Reckoning

Feb 19, 2011 10:53

New episode, new creeps and new squee's!
Check out my review and caps from this episode with that weird title I keep forgetting!

So, I think I should adress the music first just to get it out of the way. What the hell was that? LOL. Oh man I laughed so loud at the music when Sam and Dean checked out the security cameras. Then the montage with Dean and Lisa. Then the final scene. Lolsters! So okay it was rather awkward, but aren't some of the fans overreacting? Check out the title of the episode! It's obviously supposed to be a joke and mess with 80s flicks straight to dvd shits. Having cheesy 80s-ish music seemed about right lol. Didn't ruin anything for me because well I could see the joke in it. Loosen up a little folks! lol

The very first scene. You know what, with a start like that it wouldn't matter if the rest of the episode sucks ass. My gosh my little fangirl heart had me flailing and giggling like never before! Oh Dean his teary heartbroken "Sammy's" and the touching his forehead and holycrapigotaweakspotforprotectivedean-whichisnothingnewbtw.
I'm still squeeing. That was cute lol. Limp!Sam and more protective Dean then we've seen in yeaaaaaaaaaaars! Holy shit. I need to watch that again and again and again!!! (And then one more time).

For the record - I didn't think the episode sucked. I didn't really care for the MOTW because it was rather lame, but again I was squeeing so much over the brothers to really care lol. I'm having a hard time trying to keep the review chorent. But anyway I did feel sorry for the MOTW, but the dolls themselves were - like the title - weird. Very creepy though.

I'm glad Sam and Dean worked together for a while before seperating and that they weren't apart for that long. That would suck ass. I did prefer Sam's part when he was alone because Dean didn't deserve that shit from that rugrat. I liked that Sam still is very observant (okay so it was plain obvious that the third guy had something to do in all this), but still. Soulless Sam might have been badass, but nothing beats Badass Sammy and still with a soul! I randomly giggled when Sam said "You sound nervous johnny" and he himself looked slightly terrified.
I also liked that Sam said the EMF was "humming" when it was wailing so loud I started wondering why other people didn't go check out the sound lol. I'm random like that yeah hehe. I also loved the look on Dean's face when he was checking up that doll in the same scene XD Jensen's really good at those funny little faces.

Lisa and Ben. In this one Lisa didn't really bug me. I get her, I do. I don't love her, I'm more indifferent, but like she explained with him coming by is like ripping up old wounds - I get it. But Ben. That little rugrat that thinks he's so cute and know it all and owns Dean. First of all - yes you had Dean for a year, but newsflash little bitch - it might hurt with Dean leaving, but he was someone else's family before you. And that family is even of his own blood so zip is whiny brat.

Impala!!! I loved that little chase around the lot. It was like the Impala was playing dog with Dean hahaha. Though it would do more damage then being cute if the car overrun Dean then a dog. Dean of course doesn't want his baby "hurt" which of course is very Dean and the Dean we love. Sam is smart enough to get out of the way, but then again it seems like Dean is the obvious target here.
"Soooon of a biiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiitch" loooooool

Okay, so the cute innocent girl bites the dust. And she was blonde! lol. Refreshing kinda hahahaha. Was kinda sad because she reminded me a little of Naomi Watts heh. What I don't get is how the hell she got that fatal wound right in her kidney. It wasn't like the ghost did it to her right? They did make it seem like the Impala was going at her and the other car, but we never see or hear a crash so that means it never happened - we'd have to see or hear that at least. And we would hear it because Dean would whine like hell if his baby got scratched! And "Naomi" wasn't even close to the Impala and the building? So I assume a piece of glass came flying through the air. Very cheap way to end the story, but whatever.

What? I'm a soft critic I know. I, unlike many other fans is enjoying season 6 too much right now to let that annoy me. It makes me so happy that the season picked up after the bad start and it actually works for me right now. Only thing that could really ruin everything for me now is to break the brothers apart yet again. It's obviously that's what my flailing and squeeing is about. I wish I could say "They wont do that again", but of course it wouldn't surprise me if they did. It would piss me off beyond belief. I do get the whole keeping up the tension, but there's also this thing called overdoing things and that would be it. So please Sera. I might not be a fan of you, but even you can't be so stupid to kill the show that way right?

So anyway, not the best episode around, but I forgive it because it reminded me of one of the earlier episodes of earlier seasons that had rather lame MOTW, but worked because they had cute brotherly moments. It was exactly like that! The music was lame, but like it or not it fit in with the idea of forming the episode after a right onto dvd 80s horror flick.

One more thing. I gotta say Dean REALLY wants Sam to be his Valentine huh? That's a second time man!

+ Sort of a car chase scene
+ Flames in Sam's eyes when he opened his eyes

- Music
- The title
- Tummy hurting from too much squeeing and giggling
- Cheap ending

See, he looks rather "scared":


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