A new weekend, a new episode and a new review. Bobby centered episode and Jensen's directing debute. What did I think? Check it out behind the cut! + Some caps!
Two things before I start. I consider this weekend's "SPN" and "SV" episodes for birthday gifts because I can and because it's fun lol. And that's cool because:
Unlike last week where no episode would impress me, this weekend I enjoyed both "Supernantural" and "Smallville." Maybe "Smallville" a hint more because I'm a sucker for flashback-ish episodes etc expecially for long running shows... anyway, about SPN:
What this episode will always be known for is "the one directed by Jensen" and I thought he did a good job. I don't know why, but I wasn't surprised there was one of those montages in there set to music. It just seemed very Jensen and that's kinda funky since he hasn't directed before haha.
So, cool cast. Bobby def. deserved an episode centered around himself after such a long time on the show. Jim Beaver is as fantastic as always of course and I loved his scenes with Rufus of course. I thought it was cute with the neighbour woman trying to hit on him and of course that goes to Hell when she gets covered in blood because of Bobby. One thing I just felt really sorry for was that Bobby just couldn't get time to eat! I noticed I always feel sorry for the character when they're interrupted when they try to eat. Same deal with Dean in "Lucifer Rising" then heavenly burgers. Poor thing haha.
Okay back to "Weekend's at Bobby's". I love love love Bobby falling through the window yelling "Balls" LOL. Classic Bobby of course! There's the sexy demon in the basement which is an actress from s9 of Smallville (Fandora or... what was it? Some Kendorian chick anyway). I loved the effects of her bones burning up and it resulting to her skin starting to fizzle and burn.
Zc'N'Cdy's mum again! I like her. She's badass and it was cool to see her again. I like when they bring back random characters even for just small-ish roles. I hope we see her again. There isn't that many badass women on this show that is likeable, good and still alive!
I liked that Sam and Dean popped up once in a while. The phone call about the ???? was cute with Dean on the phone and Sam being tossed around lol. Meanwhile Bobby pretends to me talking to his mother - no offence to the brilliant Beaver, but how old would his mother be? lol.
Tossed around Sam is always hot lol. Aw and Dean yells "Sammy!" lol
Then we got the less cute scene where Dean calls Bobby and whines about Sam. Then actually calls poor Bobby who just tries to eat for selfish! No wow Bobby has a life outside the two idjits? WOW shocker... not! So I think the boys deserved to be shouted at. Maybe Sam a little less since he was outside when Dean offended Bobby lol, but of course it was so they would know to respect Mr. Singer so. Yeah. I also did like that Bobby threw in (vaguely) that Dean had been whining about Sam to him and Sam's face hehe.
Mini Crowley. Haha. I loved the accent. But one thing that is kind a nitpicky and doesn't ruin anything for me, but it did have me wonder. Crowley is in a vessel right? So why does his ghost son have to look like him? lol. I know it's to see the similarities, but yeah haha. It was fun though and Crowley pretending to be all family man when he saw his son. Of course he was a dicky father.
Sam and Dean goes to Scotland. That's a first one. Leaving the US. Nice change. Funny change. Poor Dean on the plane for nine hours and Sam seemingly enjoying that haha. Oh and that little car they were driving on the wrong side of the road. I liked that. I liked the small random things haha.
What else, what else. More theories about Sam? Obviously he is different, but I don't think Lucifer is in him. Not at all. Some seem to think so and fair enough. I liked Luci so why not haha. (Speaking of - I want Mark Pellegrino to guest star as Lucifer somehow again. In a nightmare or whenever we're supposed to learn what's up with Sam). The reason I don't think Sam is Lucifer is because there's glimpses of Sam. Not big, but he's there. Another theory was that half or his whole soul is gone. That's such a cool theory and I'm hoping on that one. Getting his soul back would be intruging and would be interesting to see how it would be done.
Anyway I hope we get some hint of the brothers returning to - well brotherhood, despite knowing that yes - it's a whole season so the storyline has to be dragged out. Doesn't mean it isn't painful and I'm not missing the brotherhood because I am. Expecially when things was starting to look up at the end of s5.
Aaaaaaaaaaaaaanywho, I didn't get the weird!Sam in this episode. He seemed like normal Sam now. The little he was in at least.
+ Tossed around Sam
+ Brillaint Beaver
+ Crowley
+ Scotland
- Whiny rude Dean
- No Impala?
- Smallville demon too little in it
- Bobby not getting to eat
Look at him curl up! So cute lol