You know, people often ask why I'm agnostic. Every time they hear me bitch about life in general, certain friends of mine ask "I don't understand how you get through these things without God
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You're wrong, Mayl. Agnostic means you don't kno if there's something there. Gnosis means "knowledge" and the "A" added to it means "without knowledge". I can't remember exactly but I think it's Latin. And there are many kinds of agnostics, including christian agnostics. Pretty much it means that they aren't sure if there's a God or anything but choose to follow the religion to be on the safe side.
But it doesn't matter whether you believe in something or not. You're right on this, you make your own shyt happen. Tho prayer is usually for the general welfare of things. Kinda like saying "Lord...I want this to happen...and keep these people safe". More of a spiritual thing... But it doesn't mean things will automatically go right. You have to take control and initiative to set them right. Besides, religion is pretty much beliefs that many people share to help themselves sleep at night lol (this, of course, coming from your far from role-model christian lol)
[I'm not even sure if this post helps anything or not @_@]
I think everyone needs one way or another to go through with life, whether it's praying to a higher being or go by your own determination and choices. The key in this is that you respect each other and not go judging someone on their choice in life. As long as people respect me for my choice of not being religious, I shall do the same.
You know, I know someone from the States who (last time I spoke to her) was juggling three jobs at the same time because of the lack of hours she got. One was in a Disney retail store, second was at a TV station and the third was at a sunday school. I guess with the shellshocked economy, you have no other way but to make determined choices to keep your head up.
And just so you know, I am still behind you all the way, honey ^^
Oooooooh, we are so on the exact same page. That's how I feel about...everything, really. If you want to get anything done, you really have to do it yourself. ("But it's God that gives you the strength to do so!" *groanmumble*) I used to consider myself atheist, but I consider myself agnostic now because while I don't believe there is a very specific higher power, I think, maybe there's something out there. I still make wishes to stars or on dandelions if that means anything. >_>; *cough*
Good luck for gettin' that job at Pioneer Lanes. *u* And might I also suggest looking for positions at nearby Colleges, too? They always need folk, especially around this time.
All I know is that when I do make wishes on stars, I definitely work on what I have to ensure that what I believe can come true will. Taking the initiative to things makes the long run all the more better, I promise.
Comments 3
But it doesn't matter whether you believe in something or not. You're right on this, you make your own shyt happen. Tho prayer is usually for the general welfare of things. Kinda like saying "Lord...I want this to happen...and keep these people safe". More of a spiritual thing... But it doesn't mean things will automatically go right. You have to take control and initiative to set them right. Besides, religion is pretty much beliefs that many people share to help themselves sleep at night lol (this, of course, coming from your far from role-model christian lol)
[I'm not even sure if this post helps anything or not @_@]
You know, I know someone from the States who (last time I spoke to her) was juggling three jobs at the same time because of the lack of hours she got. One was in a Disney retail store, second was at a TV station and the third was at a sunday school. I guess with the shellshocked economy, you have no other way but to make determined choices to keep your head up.
And just so you know, I am still behind you all the way, honey ^^
Good luck for gettin' that job at Pioneer Lanes. *u* And might I also suggest looking for positions at nearby Colleges, too? They always need folk, especially around this time.
All I know is that when I do make wishes on stars, I definitely work on what I have to ensure that what I believe can come true will. Taking the initiative to things makes the long run all the more better, I promise.
rootin' for ya, always ♥
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