So, part of the reconfiguration of my edit suite/man cave has been to recable everything to use S-Video instead of composite video for the highest quality video I can get from my collection of professional and prosumer gear. This was pretty easy on the S-VHS front since that's where S-Video was developed to begin with, and my Betacam deck does S-
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Comments 53
What you'll want to do is get a service manual for the VO-9850. Locate the wiring schematic with the pinouts for the DIN-7 dub connector. Find the line for the luminance and follow it backward to the first test point (marked as TP with a number) you encounter.
Then use the board schematic to locate where the test point is physically on which board.
If you haven't tried to follow a schematic before it can be a bit daunting at first, just take your time. You may want to print out or photocopy the pages and use a highlighter to follow the path.
Good luck!
It looks like your helpful photos of the Sony U-matic BVU-850p tapping points configuration are now expired or missing from your 2011 post ?
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