Title: Unblivion
capt_facepalmRating: PG-13
Fandom: Sherlock Holmes (Gaslight)
Characters: Dr Watson
Summary: Ermm...
Warnings: (cliché)
Word Count: 100
Author's Notes: July 29th prompt: (Write.A.Drabble)
It was never good to awaken in a hospital, thought Dr John Watson, especially when he could not remember what brought him there. But there he was, if the smells of carbolic and laundry soap were any indication.
What happened?
Watson heard two men’s voices but their words were indistinguishable. He opened his eyes but the ceiling refused to come into focus. His head was too heavy to move. Only a rasping sigh escaped when he tried to speak.
Voices, closer now...
Unfamiliar faces with concerned expressions.
Cold fingers sought his pulse.
Should remember...
The sting of hypodermic.
Then nothing.
Now continued in
Persistent Memory .oOOo.
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