Title: Watson a Name
capt_facepalmRating: PG-13
Fandom: Sherlock Holmes (Gaslight)
Characters: John Watson/Mary Watson
Summary: Pillow talk
Warnings: (schmoop)
Word Count: 100
Author's Notes: July 12th prompt: (John means 'God is Gracious.')
Mary took John’s hand and placed it on the roundness of her belly.
‘We should start considering names.’
‘It’s a little early, isn’t it?’ he asked, holding her closer.
‘I am being careful. Surely God will bless us this time.’
We were careful last time, John sighed. The disappointment was almost unbearable.
‘I was thinking “John”,’ Mary continued.
‘That’s an absurd name for our daughter.’
‘Please be serious. If it’s a boy-’
‘Augh, no. He should have his own name.’
‘ “Hamish” then.’
‘That’s even worse.’
‘Fine. We’ll name him after my grandfather*.’
‘Very well. What was he called?’
‘ “John.” ’
* In the original draft of this drabble I gave Captain Morstan's name as John. Thanks go to Pompey for her canon knowledge. In The Sign of Four, his name is given as Captain Arthur Morstan. Luckily, we are not given Captain Morstan's father's name, so "John" remains a good fit.
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* The original draft of this drabble gave Captain Morstan's name as John. Thanks go to Pompey for her canon knowledge. In The Sign of Four, his name is given as Captain Arthur Morstan. Luckily, we don't know what his father's name was, so "John" remains a good fit.