Title: Friendly Forewarning
capt_facepalmRating: PG-13
Fandom: Sherlock Holmes (Gaslight)
Characters: Miss Mary Morstan
Summary: Miss Morstan receives a letter
Warnings: (miaow)
Word Count: 100
Author's Notes: July 11th prompt: (Use a female point-of-view)
Dearest Mary,
I cannot in good conscience stand as your matron of honour.
I’m sure John Watson has made many sweet promises but I will not see my best friend led into a life of squalor. John has no prospects. Good looks and pleasant manners won’t keep a roof over your head. And, you’ve always wanted a family. How would that be possible on an army pension? Not to mention his roving eye- that rakish smile is not reserved for you alone.
I'm so sorry.
Your loving friend,
PS. Mrs Forrester agrees, but is unlikely to tell you so.
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