Title: An Evening at The Loosen’d Screw
capt_facepalmRating: PG
Fandoms: Three
Characters: At least three.
Summary: A short ficlet for the Three Fandom Mashup at
great_talesWarnings: (none)
Word Count: 350
Setting: The Loosen’d Screw (a London public drinking establishment in Ye Olde Victorian Times)
‘I tell you, Henry, you were lucky with Edward. Good help is so hard to find.’
‘Erm, well... I mean, he can be difficult at times. I’d say you have been managing fine with Igor these past few years.’
‘Oh, he’s an honest enough fellow, but he’s dash’d lazy; always cutting corners. It interferes with The Work. Speaking of which, how goes your research?’
‘I have no results I wish to share at this time.’
‘Pity. Last week you sounded so hopeful.’
The door blew open and a rotund man in an Inverness fussed to fasten it closed again.
'You’re late, Honeydew. What happened, did your assistant blow up your laboratory again?'
‘Haha! We were just lamenting upon the sorry state of assistanceship these days,’ quipped Victor.
'Actually, I stopped to pick up the Evening Star,' the latecomer said, spreading out the broadsheet and forcing his two colleagues to move their beverages aside. ‘Perhaps the two of you will find this of interest.’
'My word!’ Victor exclaimed, and began to read aloud. ‘There’s been another murder. Whatever is the world coming to: Sir Danvers Carew, Member of Parliament and noted philanthropist, 70 years of age, was brutally bludgeoned to death in the streets of London. Scotland Yard is interviewing the sole witness-‘
'-Witness?' Henry asked, visibly paling.
'Yes, and it mentions following up with some evidence left on the victim’s person. Oh dear...'
‘What is it?’ asked Honeydew.
‘NOTHING! My, is that the time? I must dash!’ Henry exclaimed.
‘As must I. There looks to be a storm on the way and I’d best be back to the laboratory before it breaks,’ said Victor in no small state of alarm.
Tailcoats and overcoats disappeared out the door, just as a thin young man with a shock of red hair entered.
'Ah, Beaker, my boy,’ said Honeydew. ‘It makes a considerable difference to me, having someone with me on whom I can thoroughly rely.'
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