Teenage Toki meets “the Devil”. They’re not speaking English, of course.
There will be more eventually, kind of a series. There will be a lot of OC’s.
Warnings: abuse, misuse of religion
Disclaimer: I do not own them, and all that stuff.
Thanks to
safety_caesars for educating me on the fashions of early black metal.
The Devil was in town tonight, the Devil was trying to take over the world. That’s what he’d overheard his parents talking about, in very hushed tones.
All his life, Toki had been told to fear the Devil, and he did. But here was his chance to actually see this creature, to know what he had always been told to fear.
And so he snuck out.
The Devil’s music... that was the biggest draw. What would it sound like, this music that could steal your soul?
He wanted to hear it, surely hearing just a little wouldn’t damn him. He really hoped not, anyway.
But what if it did? If life was this hard, how much worse must hell possibly be?
He would have to be very careful.
It was very late, his parents had long since gone to bed.
He had lain awake for hours, waiting, unable to sleep even if he’d wanted to.
He’d never dared defy them like this before, that alone scared him more than any Devil that might be waiting for him in town.
His father’s wrath was a known thing, and known well. But it was to save his soul, always for that.
He wasn’t going to get close, he just wanted to see, to hear, to know.
To see actual see proof of everything he’d been told all his life, he had to know if it was real.
Hiding in an alley in sight of The Place of The Sinners (as his father called it), Toki waited for a glimpse of this ultimate evil, waited to hear the music.
That’s where his father found him, having mysteriously tracked him down.
The Reverend struck him hard and with no warning, slaps had been traded for punches as he’d grown older.
Toki made no move to defend himself, he never did. Any attempts to even evade the blows would only make things worse for him, he had to endure.
In silence. The blows kept coming.
Driven backwards against his will, Toki found himself in the street. His father still did not relent.
The Devil came out of the bar.
His face was like death, framed in long black hair. His open jacket proclaimed his faith.
He was smoking something that wasn’t a cigarette, but it seemed forgotten as his attention focused on the scene in the road before him. “Hey, stop that!”
The Devil spoke strangely, but it was still understandable. His words just weren’t quite right, the voice of Evil.
The Reverend looked up as the painted specter dared approach, and nodded resolutely. So there was to be a showdown then, he’d show this Evil whose God was stronger.
Toki watched in awe as the creature actually dared approach his father, his terrifyingly powerful father. Then it turned to him, seeming to study him.
Pain and fear made it hard for him to keep standing, he swayed under its (his?) gaze.
He’d really messed up this time, he’d disobeyed his father and the Devil had come for him as he’d always been told that He would.
The Reverend made a move toward Toki again, but the Devil stepped between them, cutting him off.
Toki suddenly found himself in the Devil’s shadow, he crouched in fear.
Why hadn’t he listened, why hadn’t he truly believed?
The Reverend stood firm, although the Devil was as tall as he was. He brandished his cross in a commanding manner. “Begone Satan! I hereby banish you!”
Toki cringed, now the wrath of God would surely strike the Devil down. All his life he’d been told how this battle would go, and who would win.
But nothing happened.
The Devil didn’t burst into flames, or even back down. In fact, he laughed. “Your god has no power over me, I don’t even believe in him.” He turned to Toki, who had edged to the side for a better view “Are you okay?”
The devil was kind.
Everything he’d been told was a lie?
When a hand was extended, Toki was surprised find himself taking it.
The Devil helped him up, then made an attempt to dab some of the blood from his face. The napkin he held wasn’t up to the task however, not by far.
The devil looked so young, but of course he was ageless.
He’d stood up to the Reverend and won.
Toki studied him through blurred vision, trying to memorize the nightmarish face before him.
“You should come inside with me, so we can get you cleaned up.”
Toki shook his head, it was questionable if he would survive his father’s wrath as it was, entering the Devil’s domain would seal his fate for sure.
“This isn’t right.” The Devil turned to the Reverend. “You know this isn’t right.”
“Come on, we’re going home now.” His father refused to speak to the devil again.
Toki followed his father home, obedient as he had always tried to be. Tried and failed, so many times.
“You have been touched by the Devil. Despite all of my efforts, it seems that you truly can’t be saved.”
His heart sank. He was going to die for this then, it had been decided.
Despite this realization, Toki kept obediently following his father.
Maybe hell wouldn’t be so bad after all?
His mother was awake when they got home, but she didn’t speak.
His father led him to his room, and took something from the closet. Without a word he left, confident that he didn’t need to lock the door.
And indeed he didn’t, Toki was going nowhere, there was nowhere to go.
From the other room, his father’s voice. “Woman, I have a task for you.”
Nothing happened.
Morning came, and Toki still didn’t sleep, he couldn’t sleep. Any time now, any time his father would come for him.
Any time now, he would die.
And yet the day dragged on, impossibly long.
Still alone.
The sun had set again before his door opened, and his father stood at the threshold.
Toki stood, the time had come then. He could only accept his fate.
“You have been denied Heaven, so it is your punishment that you shall walk the earth. I can only pray that you shall someday redeem yourself, I can no longer help you. You have until dawn to be gone from this house.”
Toki stood in shock, unable to believe this turn of events.
His father held out some things to him, and old teddy bear he’d almost forgotten he had, and an envelope. “Take these. You’ll need the papers for any life you may have.”
He accepted them, noticing for the first time that the bear now had a devil’s tail.
“I asked your mother to alter that as a symbol of how far you’ve fallen. Keep it with you as a reminder to sin no more.” With that, he left the room.
Toki sat on his bed. He wasn’t going to die, he was being cast out.
Could he take his things, meager as they were? Or was he supposed to go with only the bear and the papers?
There were no answers, so he packed some clothes into a bag. Was this stealing? If he was already damned, did it even matter?
Dawn was still hours away, but there was longer any reason to linger.
It was time.
Toki left his house, never again to be his home.
Walking past the parents who pretended not to see him, he was no longer worthy of their notice.
Maybe he could find the Devil, the Devil who’d showed him kindness?
But then he would truly be lost forever.
Still, having nowhere else to go, Toki headed toward town.
The Devil had set him free.
The streets of Norway