Title: Two Weeks After Christmas
Rating: PG, for language.
Notes: A poem and a sketch for
misdreya for her birthday and for Christmas.
Summary: Rockso comes to apologize for selling Toki's gifts. His replacement gifts suck. There is a slight hint of either Murderface/Pickles friendship or attraction.
Two Weeks After Christmas
Twas two weeks after Christmas
And down in Mordhaus
Knelt a clown with no make-up,
Known to all as a louse.
In a jacket and jeans,
With tan skin and bald head,
With a smile full of hope
And two eyes filled with dread,
He offered his parcel,
Expecting rebuke,
For Toki to cry
And for Pickles to puke.
After all, one could say
Things were ruined beyond reason:
He'd crushed all their dreams,
Made a joke of the season.
He would have preferred
To forget what he'd done,
But this time he would change,
The respect would be won.
A slight admonition
And tears that flowed down
From blue eyes that once cared
Had reached the heart of the clown.
He'd gone to the store
To replace what he couldn't.
If he could have been selfish again,
Well, he wouldn't.
Inside of a box
Made of cardboard and shame,
He knelt on the ground
And called each one by name.
For Skwisgaar there was
A big Chick-O-Stick.
"It reminds me of you,
'Cause it's like a big dick.
And in the right light,
You look like a chick."
Skwisgaar's revenge
Was to hide it, and quick.
He gave Pickles beef jerky.
"It looks like your hair."
"Reminds me of Murderface,"
Said Pickles with flair.
Breath mints for Murderface,
"'Cause you could sure use 'em!"
He grumbled his thanks,
Tempted to refuse them.
Pickles threw him a beer,
Then cracked him a smile.
Mints in William's hand,
He was calmed for a while.
"Nathan gets batteries,
'Cause he's so nice."
The connection wasn't clear,
But no one cared to think twice.
Last came Toki,
Rockso's very best friend.
Well, at least he had been;
Maybe they'd found their end.
Toki reached for the toy
In its plastic container,
A small plane, blue and red,
Couldn't have been plainer.
Toki rejoiced,
And opened it up.
It took a dive bomb
Into Skwisgaar's cup.
Cocoa flew out,
But not a large amount.
"Wowee, crappy plane.
But it's the thoughts dat count!"
He crept over to Leonard
And gave him a hug.
He cried a bit.
His tear hit the rug.
Rockso just sighed,
Whole again and elated.
Merry Christmas to all,
Even if it's belated.