Title: Number One FanRating: PG-13
Pairing: One-sided Lavona/Nathan.
Summary: What lead up to Lavona's obsession with Nathan Explosion?
Notes: Short. A bit of an expansion on canon. Hope you like it.
Number One Fan
The first time she heard Nathan Eplosion's voice, she understood its raw power. The first time she saw a picture of him in a magazine, she understood his body's raw power. Because she didn't know him, his being so powerful was okay.
The first time she saw an interview of Dethklok and he seemed so awkward, so quiet, so odd, she'd been angry with him. It wasn't what she expected at all. Her vision of Nathan Explosion had been one of a man who used his power as often as possible, both when he needed to and when he didn't. She saw more interviews, and he was always the same, never quite like her imaginings. Even when he upturned a table on live television, and stormed out of the interview set, he did not look like a jerk or a madman. He looked like an angry little boy; that was the manner about him. She wouldn't have been surprised if he rarely noticed his powerful size at all.
There was an All Dethklok All the Time radio station she was quite fond of, having always been a fan of Metal music, but especially of this band's (this man's). She scarcely changed the dial.
Dethklok was playing the first time she killed a man. To be honest, in as much as it was self-defense, it was also premeditated, because she'd thought about doing it many times before.
When Dethklok first came to Germany, she did not have enough money to buy a ticket, but that couldn't have stopped her. She broke in and hid as she watched. She was never caught, and though that meant she had to kill again, kill people whose eyes and arms were the only parts of them she'd ever see, it was worth it. She felt the vibrations from the amplified music run through her body, filling her emptiness, her inner stillness with a movement she would be hard pressed to forget.
She kept a t-shirt that said Explodieren Mich in the back of her underwear drawer, all balled up, and never wore it even on laundry day.
When she heard there was an unauthorized Nathan Explosion sex toy, she sent her money out for one right away, but never intended to use it. She carefully took it out of the packaging only to begin hacking it into pieces in a fury she hadn't known was inside of her. It was the toy's own damn fault for being so unauthorized, so common, so, likely, inaccurate, so dark and imposing, and so utterly lifeless.
The thing that broke her was when she read that he found reproduction to be disgusting. Bad things had happened before, things she'd hoped would lead to light at the end of the tunnel, to life, when they had ended in death, death at her own hands instead of life at her own body. She liked babies. She envied anyone who had one. He never planned to have one.
She found people who cared about him like she did, in the dark, twisted way she did, who wanted him in more ways than he was willing to give. And if they could have a living piece of Nathan Explosion, one no one else could ever have, well, that would be something, wouldn't it?
He was as nice, as slow, as un-powerful in person as he'd been on camera. He was exactly how he'd carried himself in interviews. She had known this man, had studied him, and he was no different than she'd thought, which was upsetting and also flattering and made her want to bite her lip.
He kissed wonderfully.
Lavona escaped from Mordhaus with a bump on her head and burns on the side of her face, a loneliness for the love of a baby, and the slight hint of a recognition that she'd been going about everything all wrong for many years.
And the taste of Nathan Explosion on her lips.