Title: Untitled Bobby Drabble
Author: Capricorn86
Characters: Bobby Singer, Bobby`s father, Bobby`s mother
Summary: Drabble based on the memory from Bobby`s childhood (season 7, episode 10)
Warning: Contains spanking of a minor (belt)
Author`s Note: Felt inspired after watching the newest episode.
As Bobby reached out to pass his old man the potatoes,
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Comments 10
Good job as always :)
Thank you very much! :)
And I just love this:
"and how angry he was at the glass for being so fragile and the floor for being so hard"
It just speaks so much about how Bobby's father is raising him to think and is such a perfect metaphor for his parents themselves.
Huh, I didn`t think of it that way when writing it.. But looking at it now, I see what you mean. :)
Your line 'Bobby was scared, but that was nothing new. He felt scared of his father every single day' just summed up his childhood and completely tore at my heartstrings.
After this episode, you can fully understand why Bobby was against some of John's parenting methods.
You did an amazing job with this :)
Anyway, thanks again for offering your lovely feedback, I`m always so happy to see comments from you. :)
After watching that episode last night.. that scene.. it was just, wow. It had so many simalarities to my own childhood and my own father that I just felt compelled to jot this down. Glad you liked it, thank you!
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