099 - Multifandom Graphic Post

Jun 03, 2012 13:10

18 Icons, 5 banners, 1 picspam, 1 wallpaper and 6 cards made for landofart.
Farscape, Firefly, Fringe, Game of Thrones, Labyrinth and Star Wars. Among other things. :)

Anything bigger than an icon needs to be clicked for full size.

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wallpapers, labyrinth, game of thrones, banners, firefly, icons, supernatural, star wars, farscape, picspams, fringe

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Comments 5

ladyhadhafang June 3 2012, 16:54:18 UTC
Atton! :D *Squees* Seriously, he's one of my favorite KOTOR characters. :) And that Anakin/Vader graphic is so pretty! :D :D


mark_pierre June 3 2012, 18:45:57 UTC
Thank you! :D
Atton is a lovable rogue the way Han Solo was never to me. ;)


ladyhadhafang June 3 2012, 18:46:58 UTC
You're welcome. :)

I quite agree. :) Don't get me wrong; I quite like Han, but Atton is far more awesome. :3


gothrockrulz June 19 2012, 06:25:12 UTC
Love the Cate Blanchett icons!


mark_pierre June 19 2012, 06:55:53 UTC
Thank you! :)


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