068 - Nautical

Nov 26, 2018 09:00

CHALLENGE 068: Nautical

For this challenge, you should be inspired by all things nautical! Think nautical motifs and themes like the sea, anchors, waves, ocean creatures, compasses, mermaids, shells, beaches, ships (the boat kind, not - necessarily - the romantic/platonic kind), etc.

You can use any caps between 5th November - 18th November to make your icons. These caps are included in the lj-cut in this post (hover for fandom). If you have any questions, please ask!

crucified lady_turner mysteryof

naginis scarred_loretta starkwars

(to view full-size either drag and drop image into url bar, or right-click and select open image in new tab)

• You can enter up to six (6) icons
• This challenge closes on Sunday 9th December at 23:59 (11:59pm) GMT
• Post your icons in a new entry
• Tag your entries like so: "challenge 068, maker: username, ~entries"
Rules + Info

~challenges, challenge 068

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