049 - Minimalism

Feb 05, 2018 09:00

CHALLENGE 049: Minimalism

We get the name February from the Latin word februum, meaning purification. The Roman Lupercalia festival was held around 15th February to ward off evil spirits and purify the city, thus releasing health and fertility, and is believed to have come from and earlier-origin spring cleansing ritual held on the same date, called Februa. [Thank you Wikipedia]

To honour this, we’re going to strip icons down to their purest of elements, and be as minimalist as possible! No fancy textures, no complex compositions or crazy text, just pure and simple icons.

You can use any caps between 15th January - 28th January to make your icons. These caps are included in the lj-cut in this post (hover for fandom). If you have any questions, please ask!

lookslikerain neatmonster sietepecados

tturners vapor xafirah

(to view full-size either drag and drop image into url bar, or right-click and select open image in new tab)

• You can enter up to six (6) icons
• This challenge closes on Sunday 18th February at 23:59 (11:59pm) GMT
• Post your icons in a new entry
• Tag your entries like so: "challenge 049, maker: username, ~entries"
Rules + Info

~challenges, challenge 049

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