Fic: The Courtship Rituals of the Kansas-Raised Kryptonian

Aug 31, 2009 22:27

Title: The Courtship Rituals of the Kansas-Raised Kryptonian
Fandom: Lois and Clark: The New Adventures of Superman
Characters: Lois, Clark
Rating: G
Word Count: ~700
Disclaimer: These characters don't belong to me, I'm just playing with them.

This takes place after Lois loses Superman in the bachelor auction in "I'm Looking Through You." I've take a little liberty with what happened in Lois and Clark's conversation.

This is for the "courtship rituals" prompt on my cliche_bingo card. This was written really quickly, and completely un-beta'd, so there are probably some horrible errors.


Clark had really begun to worry when she had handed her keys over without a fight. She was Lois Lane after all, he would have expected her to protest that she hadn’t had that much to drink and then tell him to get back to his corn-shucking contest. Instead, she placed her keys in his open hand and let him guide her to the elevator.

The walk to the car and the subsequent ride were spent in silence. It was only once Clark had pulled up to Lois’ apartment that she spoke.

“What do you think it’d be like?”

“Huh?” Was Clark’s eloquent response, confused by her sudden question.

“A date with Superman,” she elaborated, looking up at the night sky through her passenger side window. “What would it be like?”

“Uhhh…” he stammered, having no idea how to answer her question. He knew exactly how Superman would like a date with her to go. The problem was that it wasn’t Superman taking her out on that date. It was him, plain ol’ ordinary Clark Kent.

“He could take a girl anywhere in the world. Dinner in Paris, Rome, Venice, a picnic in some beautiful place that no one else has even been to before," she said on a sigh.

Clark suppressed a sigh of his own as he looked over at her. Yes, he’d love to do all of those things with her… but not until she knew who she was actually with. For now, she looked like she could use some cheering up.

“Maybe it would just be weird,” he offered. At her questioning look, he continued. “Well, he is from Krypton after all. Maybe he’d try to mind-meld with you, or hook you up to some crazy machine to study. Hey baby, want to see my spaceship?” He leered, wiggling his eyebrows suggestively.

Despite her gloomy mood, maybe because of the three glasses of champagne she’d had, Lois broke into a fit of laughter at his antics. He couldn’t help but join her, relieved that he had gotten through to her somehow.

“Come on,” he said, once her laughter had died a bit. “Let’s get you inside.”

He jumped out of the car and went around to open her door for her. When she teetered on her feet slightly he offered her his arm, and escorted her up the few flights of steps to her apartment.

“I guess I should thank you,” she told him as he handed over her keys.

“What for?” He asked, surprised to even hear those words from Lois.

“Being here for me tonight.” She looked up to smile a bit sheepishly at him. “You seem to be here for me a lot, actually.”

He smiled back, reassuringly. “It’s my pleasure, Lois.”

She jingled her keys in her hand, but made no move to go inside. If he hadn’t known better, he would have thought she didn’t want him to leave quite yet. He knew he certainly didn’t want to. She seemed to hesitate a moment longer, then looked up at him quizzically.

“So what about you? If you could take someone anywhere in the world for a date, where would you go?”

“Me? You mean other than to meet her parents before giving her a hickey behind the Dairy Freeze?” He asked good-naturedly, feeling rewarded when he got another laugh from her. “I’d keep it simple. At first, at least. Dinner somewhere nice, preferably somewhere quiet where we could actually talk and get to know each other. Then maybe a stroll along the waterfront…” He blushed a bit, “It’s not very fancy, I know. But I am from Kansas, after all.”

“No. It sounds… it sounds very nice, actually” she assured him, and he knew he was just imagining the vaguely wistful tone in her voice.

She was quiet for just long enough to make him wonder what she was thinking about, then she grasped her keys more firmly and gave him a last smile. “Thanks again, Clark. Good night.”

“Good night, Lois,” he replied, returning her smile.

As he walked down the corridor towards the stairs, he made a mental note to ask her one day where in the world she would like her date to take her.

lnc, fic

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