As of
this post, Starbuck is out of commission. The short version is that she discovered she can fly, but having no way to control it, is now in little pieces at one of the City's hospitals. Starbuck will be out for a few days, and once she's over the worst of it and through surgery, will be rambling to the network. While on morphine.
So if anyone needs her for anything ICly, she won't be around, or answering anything. However! If I could rope in a healer for when she does post, that'd be awesome. Starbuck's had problems with broken bones in canon plenty of times, and so recovery would be pretty tough. I'd rather not have her confined to a bed for a few months, because then I'd be playing a borderline-alcoholic who never leaves the house.
(And if anyone saw the post I made with X-23 earlier, I apologise. I'm not sure what happened, but when I tried to edit it, it vanished. I'll repost tomorrow at a reasonable hour, in case it messes up again.)
Edit: I just realised I should probably add that the last time Starbuck woke up in a hospital, it turned out to be a Cylon breeding farm, and things were cut out of her. Yuup. So she may be freaking out a little.