Dec 04, 2009 09:39

Hey cnc, tussah here with an ooc post that IS FINALLY NOT A CHARACTER DROP orz. This is, in fact, a plot post, relating to the current prison plot and more specifically to the fate of the soon-to-be surrendered Tony Stark. Unbeknownst to a lot of folks (and this includes the bad guys as well), Tony Stark is on the list of demands because GLaDOS refused to cooperate with the Major and allow his little prison coup happen without trying to get her favorite person in the world -- dead or alive -- out of the bargain. What does she actually intend to do with Tony once she has him, you might ask?

Well, she doesn't actually intend to kill him (at least not straight away) since she finds that a little short-sighted. There is, after all, some science to do. After getting her ass handed to her by Optimus Prime (with Extremis powers) during the powerswap, she has been obsessed with figuring out EXACTLY what Stark's capabilities are. And now's the time to do it, once she has him in her little clutches. This is a delineated breakdown of what is going on, for folks who are wondering.

- Tony surrenders himself to the folks at the prison
- GLaDOS, on the assumption that as long as he is incapacitated his powers no longer work (not COMPLETELY true, but will work in these circumstances) has the living snot beaten out of Tony. by bringing Tony to the EDGE of death (no use if he's dead right) this will effectively route MOST of extremis's capabilities to trying to heal him, thus limiting their defense mechanisms and disrupting his communication with his suit and outside sources
- once tony is incapacitated, GLaDOS will move him to a SAFEROOM outside of the prison. this saferoom exists in a technoblankspot (the only source of communication is wireless and THROUGH GLaDOS) and is not known by anyone (yes not even you John Connor). this room is outfitted in such a way so that GLaDOS can essentially maintain a steady stream of neurotoxin in order to keep tony in a perpetual state of HOMG ABOUT TO DIE and thus, disabled.
- while this is happening, GLaDOS will run her diagnostic and essentially learn all there is to know about EXTREMIS, its nature and its programming.
- her neurotoxin ability, however, is physically draining to GLaDOS and eventually, her ability to both run the diagnostic while maintaining the neutrotoxin will reach a limit (on Monday), thus allowing tony AND HIS NEVERENDING WILLPOWER WTF DUDE to overwhelm both her and restablish contact with his suit.
- Suit-chan will come in to save the day, exploding its way through the room all dramatically, but also killing GLaDOS in the process (oh yeah we went there).

the short version is: tony gets his ass handed to him, sits in a small room with GLaDOS until Monday while she violates his brain and essentially does a complete diagnostic on EXTREMIS. come monday, however, her defenses will have worn down, tony calls his suit in as the cavalry and during the rescue GLaDOS GETS DEAD. As for GLaDOS's death, have some more lj-cuts.

- GLaDOS will die on Monday.
- She will be revived by Friday and will -- after some extreme disorientation -- immediately establish contact with specific people.
- GLaDOS will, like everyone else, suffer a memorywipe. she will be losing all memories that are designated in her brain as designation: TONY STARK and designation: IRON MAN. (due to the way she classifies information, all of the things gained by the diagnostic she did will be retained, due to their designation: EXTREMIS. this info will have data strings that trace back to IRON MAN and TONY STARK, but those 'files' in her memory will be essentially empty).
- Shenanigans ensue as well as hopefully some twisty CR turns.
- GLaDOS does her best Jocasta impression? idk.

SO YEAH. I know that a lot of people are a bit WTF WHY TONY about his inclusion in the ransom demands and whether or not that ever comes to light is up to Jill and Tony. Tony will be doing his best to keep GLaDOS's death on the DL (though Mici I imagine given how John is, he may find out, we can work with that if you want that to happen). Another side effect of her death is, THE PRISON WILL BE LEFT VULNERABLE SO POLICE IF YOU WANT YOUR PRISON BACK NOW MIGHT BE A GOOD TIME TO SNAG IT.

Other than that, I think that's it? And if you managed to actually read through all of that TL;DR you get a lollipop or ice cream. THANK YOU AND GOOD NIGHT. Morning. You know what I mean.

GLaDOS's death is modapproved.


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