Oct 17, 2009 22:41

Hey, guys! 'Tis RW here, once again bringing you a plot of rather EXPLOSIVE proportions. And yes, of course, it involves Slade. Only this time? He's not coming out of it so great.


On Thursday, October 22nd, around 4 in the afternoon EST, fires will crop up in the downtown area of the City, creating large amounts of property damage and explosions to boot. The source of these fires will be Slade himself, and he will be unleashing the full potential of his demonic pyrokinesis on everything and everyone who gets in his way. He will not stop, and he will not show mercy, so even if your character is on good terms with him (or as much as one can ever be with a crazy like him), it's very likely that they will end up with a flaming fist to the face. Possibly worse.

This plot will last no longer than 2 hours as people will undoubtedly be flocking to kick his ass. There are plans for that, but first:


Well, the reason for that is very simple: The Riddler is a bastard.

Because Eddie was tired of being harassed by Desire, he decided to play a game with it. The object: to make one person go batshit within a set time limit. And, because Eddie is horrible, he chose Slade.

How does one make a creeper go crazy, you ask? Well, you target his one weak point, and in Slade's case, that weak point is his son Jericho. You know, the one who's mute because his daddy wasn't fast enough to save him from having his throat cut.

Anyway, after school on Thursday, Eddie will hire someone to kidnap Jericho from school. Slade, of course, will know his son has been kidnapped because he's a creeper and stalks his son activities. Slade will thus immediately go after Jericho in an attempt to save him. However, before Slade can get to him, the paid kidnapper will shove Joey out into the middle of a busy street during RUSH HOUR TRAFFIC, resulting in him getting hit by a car. Slade will arrive at the scene about two minutes later and, upon coming to the conclusion that his son is dead, he will snap and unleash his demonic fire power.

About an hour or so after Slade starts his rampage, the Titans will show up to take him down. During the crossfire, Jericho will show up ALIVE and possess Slade's body, and it will be in that moment that Joey realizes that this creeper is, in fact, his long lost father. After this, Joey will run off still inside of Slade's body in an attempt to keep him from being captured.


Because there's going to be at least an hour or so before Slade is apprehended, if any of your characters might want to run into Slade in his batshit state, let me know here. I will be putting up a log for this, and there will be three sections:

1) Damage Control. If you think your character will want to help put out the fires and save people from the wreckage of destroyed buildings, this will be where to do it.
- Kon-El (Superboy)
- Bakura Ryou
- Jaime Reyes (Blue Beetle)
- Tony Stark (Iron Man)
- Roy Harper (Speedy)
- Guy Gardener (Green Lantern)
- The New Young Avengers
- The Dark Avengers
- X-Men
- Toph Bei Fong
- Xavin
- Goliath
- John McClane
- Optimus Prime
- Lyra Silvertongue
- Quatre Raberba Winner
- M'gann M'orzz (Miss Martian)

2) Random Encounters. If you want your character to run into Slade and possibly try to apprehend him, you'll be able to do this also. However, because of the way the end of the plot has been planned, he will not be getting captured in any of these encounters. Just let me know how you'd like to play it, and we'll work something out.
- Coat of Arms
- Cole Macgrath (The Conductor)
- Selina Kyle (Catwoman)
- Wade Wilson (Deadpool)
- Guy Gardener (Green Lantern)

3) The Takedown. AKA, calling all Titans! Slade's ass is yours for the kicking so let me know your thoughts on this here.
- Roy Harper (Speedy)
- Tim Drake (Robin III)
- Dick Grayson (Robin)
- Gar Logan (Beast Boy)
- M'gann M'orzz (Miss Martian)

Any other questions, comments, or concerns, hit me up with them here! :3

Mod-approved. ♥


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