Taken Characters - Books/Plays, TV/Movies/Radio

Jul 21, 2009 15:02


Subfandom Character Codename Character Journal Power Mun Mun Journal The Alchemyst: The Secrets of the Immortal Nicholas Flamel Scathach The Shadow spadassin Vampire (mortal), enhanced strength, master swordsman/fighter/etc. Iola watchet Animorphs Tobias n/a hawked morphing, hawk default form b-thugg dreamself Dragonlance Khisanth Onyx fantasycliche Shapechanging and dragon magic Liz rizumcbutt The Gemma Doyle trilogy Gemma Doyle n/a sorcerously Illusions/mild telepathy Iola watchet Good Omensp Azirphale The Guardian onnitrousoxide Being an Angel Brette thechessycats Harry Potter Andromeda Tonks Muggle Lover andromynous Magic. Lettie elarion Harry Potter Bellatrix Lestrange N/A crucioyou Magic. Arielle themysciras Harry Potter Draco Malfoy N/A sunburnthair Magic Tobyfs N/A Harry Potter Fred Weasley Forge notsaintly Magic! eppy old_blueeyes Harry Potter George Weasley Gred byholeystgeorge Magic, magical ingredient location Stacey thepenguinred Harry Potter Ginny Weasley N/A ginnydor Magic Kerry shamrock-dreams Harry Potter James Potter Prongs thelionharted Magic! Mandy tyriangalley Harry Potter Lily Evans-Potter The Doe gryffindoe Magic Riddle n/a Harry Potter Luna Lovegood Loony i_seethestrals Magic and truth-seeing spectrespects Georgia felinephoenix Harry Potter Nymphadora Tonks Badger fliesacomet260 Magic Charly simply_blah Harry Potter Ron Weasley n/a fyeahcannons Magic. Amy smash_circuits Harry Potter Severus Snape The Potions Master bestunrevealed Magic Murder amurderofcrows Harry Potter Sirius Black Padfoot purmoncul Magic, the ability to turn into a dog, pet hippogriff Snapple snapples_apples Harry Potter Tom Marvolo Riddle Lord Voldemort anagrammatist Magic, legilimancy, parseltongue Calai'di calaidi His Dark Materials Lyra Silvertongue n/a lyingbrat Illusions, telekinesis Sarah N/A Percy Jackson and the Olympians Percy Jackson Trident sonoftheseas Hydrokensis / Demigod albilites Zara werepuppyblack The Pillowman Katurian Katurian The Pillowman afeatherpillow Childhood time travel, knowing the overall quality of someone's life Nai nai_is_not Sweet Valley High Jessica Wakefield Magenta Galaxy sweetvalleygirl Self Duplication, magical vodka generation Ali aliccolo


Subfandom Character Codename Character Journal Power Mun Mun Journal 24 Jack Bauer Man of the Hour ctu_savior Superhuman endurance, dispelling traffic Jesse megalomaniac2 Adventure Time Finn the Human Bodaciousest of Heroes totallyrhombus Being able to pull sword out of any bag ever, super strength but only when confronted with walls, and being about to call up flocks of penguins Tobyfs n/a Angel Wesley Wyndam-Pryce Watcher lie_to_him Magic user Stephanie lionphox Avatar: The Last Airbender Toph Bei Fong Blind Bandit vision_in_stone Earthbending, Metalbending, Sandbending, better-than-average hearing Zen thepenguinred Black Swan Nina Sayers N/A herturn Supernatural influence; sensory illusions; limited metamorphosis Noodles thanoodles Buffy the Vampire Slayer Buffy Summers The Slayer slayerpreferred super strength; supernatural detection Ca sesemperamabo Buffy the Vampire Slayer Tara Maclay Glinda spicytalk Magic Rose devotedsister Buffy the Vampire Slayer Willow Rosenberg Elphaba inamagicshop Wiccan magicks & communicative (not mind-reading) telepathy Brynn butterflydarlin Community Shirley Bennett Tattleina Tattleina Gossip powers; Comically large handbag Cass velvetevoker Doctor Who The Doctor Oncoming Storm daft_old_man Bow Ties Are Cool Stephanie lionphox Doctor Who Jack Harkness Captain Innuendo comesback Immortality and the power to make peoples' clothes disappear! Mandy tyriangalley Dollhouse Boyd Langton Rossum rossum_ceo Genius, deception AJ lonely_judas Dollhouse Topher Brink n/a amoral_savior technopath and gains his daily nutrients from junk food Stephanie lionphox Firefly Kaylee Frye N/A shiny_lilkaylee Mechanical technopathy, slight empathy (perception) Brynn butterflydarlin Fringe Olivia Dunham N/A helpedyoupaint Teleportation, fireballs, minor telekinesis Em emmingly Frisky Dingo Evilyn Killface Killface 1londoncalling Regeneration, super strength, "secret pockets" (for gun and various items) Brakish brakish Futurama Bender Rodriguez Superking bendersgotback Robot form, super bending, money sight Oke algerbraic Futurama Doctor John A. Zoidberg The Lovable Tramp crabulous Lobster form, mortal state sensing, party crashing Ali aliccolo Heroes Peter Petrelli n/a askedtobe Ability Replication Zo underbaked Hex Azazael Azazael falleneyeliner Witchcraft, Eyeliner generation Haley ussenterprise Inception Arthur N/A specifythepoint Paradox Creation, Dream Entry and Manipulation, Research Mici arachnidism Inception Eames the forger subconman shapeshifting, dream-walking Eppy old_blueeyes Inception Robert Fischer Jr. the mark dreamsonaplane Sleeping off injuries or ailments and dream observation Setine theshinraco James Bond James Bond 007 doubleoohbaby Enhanced endurance and telepathy immunity Spaz sp4ztard Mad Men Joan Holloway (Harris) n/a notastickwoman endless cleavage & passive aggressive punch. Setine theshinraco Megamind Hal Stewart Titan/Tighten mylensisonyou Flight, Eye laser beams, Imbued with alien DNA Ky n/a Megamind Megamind Megamind notpredictable De-gun (dehydration only), telekinesis Cat travelistaa Megamind Roxanne Ritchie N/A pluckyreporter Empathy (people/objects) Murder amurderofcrows My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic Fluttershy Kindheart gentleheartpony Pegasus Flight, Friend To All Living Things, The Stare lofwyr lofwyr The Office Andy Bernard The Music Man acahellyeah Flight, Super strength, sonic voice gabbie supergabbie The Office Michael Scott Agent Michael Scott humanjuicebox Dehydration/rehydration Ca sesemperamabo Push Cassie Holmes Watcher wrong_sometimes Precognition Dawn ravenrants Pushing Daisies Ned The Pie Maker stressbaking the ability to bring dead things back to life (who have been dead 72 hours or less) with a touch, but dead again forever with a second. Ca iturnedaway Push Cassie Holmes Watcher wrong_sometimes Precognition Dawn ravenrants Quantum Leap Sam Beckett Magic thedevilhatesme 1. Leaping. 2. Enhanced memory Kates kamikazescot The Rise and Fall of Ziggy Stardust and the Spiders From Mars Ziggy Freecloud Stardust screwedupeyes Prophecy, emotion absorption/broadcast Nix doctor_nix Sherlock Dr. John Watson n/a drpsychosomatic Deadshot, bullet proof Rose veidt Sherlock Sherlock Holmes n/a sh_consulting Perfect Memory Britt foxtrot_mi_ho Star Trek: Deep Space Nine Dukat Gul Dukat occupier Cardassian physiology, forcefield Ali aliccolo Star Trek XI Hikaru Sulu Lieutenant Badass leapfromgreat his shirt disappears everytime he uses his katana. Eppy oldblueeyes Star Trek XI James T Kirk Captain Awesome vettecrasher technopathy, shirtless invulnerability Kat genre Star Trek XI Leonard "Bones" McCoy Doctor Feelgood in13seconds Shirt Loss (every time he says "Dammit, Jim!") and minimal teleportation when there is an emergency. Jenny backtograce Star Trek XI Nyota Uhura Liutenant HBIC phonologies Adoptive muscle memory and sonic scream Carlee yourlivewire Star Wars Han Solo The Scruffy Scoundrel soloisms 90% Accuracy & kindred spirit of non-English speakers/he's Dr. Doolittle. Setine theshinraco Supernatural Castiel N/A astrays teleportation, healing, physical manifestation of his wings Hati unmasks Tangled Rapunzel n/a paints_lanterns Healing, strong hair, regenerating hair. Dalrint dalrint Torchwood Ianto Jones n/a suitedforcoffee at-will human perception filter Zee fire Transformers (Animated) Slipstream n/a femmescream Flies really fast! Shoots lasers! Also some crazy telepathy with Starscream Zen zendequervain Transformers: Cybertron Vector Prime n/a spacetimeprime Spacebridging via sword-cut portals, timespace awareness, three-dimensional movement Mindy artoni Transformers (G1 Comics) Shockwave n/a notsoloyal Flight, control/creation over most radiation within the electromagnetic spectrum Corny queenbrillig Ugly Americans Callie Maggotbone n/a maggotbone Succubi form. Brakish brakish The Wall Floyd Pinkerton Pink Floyd backatthehotel Human recording studio, human light show Terana terana

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