Jun 30, 2009 14:59

If you want to change your characters tags in the comm or combine multiple comm tags, please fill out the following:

Character Name:
Character Journal:
Current Main Comm Tag(s):
Current Log Comm Tag(s):/
Desired Tag: full name | alias

The new tag system has been put into effect for all characters currently on the taken list. Your characters' tags should now be identical in both the main and log comms. The format is as follows:

Full Name | Alias (if they have an alias)
Full Name | n/a (if they don't
n/a | Alias (if they don't have a known name)

Alias doesn't necessarily mean their superhero name. If a non-human takes on a human name (like many of the Transformers have done, for example), that will be considered their alias.

If multiple people have played a character from the same canon, the posts will all be combined under one tag that uses the alias chosen by the most recent player. However, if it is the same character from alternate canons (manga vs anime or 616 vs Ultimate), they'll have separate tags. Additionally, tags from characters who were only briefly in the game (minimal posting, not really involved in plotting) and were dropped more than a few months ago will routinely be deleted.

Tags in the main comm are locked to mods and helpstaff. This means you MUST tag your entry when you post it. LJ locks adding tags along with tag creation.

However, the log comm tags are open to members, as that is the only way for people to be able to tag into logs and update the status. Please use only one tag for each character. Be consistent, people! This makes things like activity checks a lot easier for us.

This post will be added to the Directory for reference and if anyone wants to change their tags in the future. Feel free to ask any questions! And if anyone would like to volunteer to help us keep an eye on the log comm tags, that would be great.


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