HMD: June 2011

Jun 18, 2011 20:34



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Comments 294

capemods June 19 2011, 00:36:07 UTC
Your one-stop thread for critiquing the moderators. Or, if you'd prefer, there's the private LJ inboxes for you to use! All are universally screened, anonymous-enabled, and don't log IPs or MyGuests.

GABBIE | OnimodLB | SenpaimodLEAH | ChikanmodNOODLES | UdonmodOLESIA | LolimodSARA | Meitanteimod


capemods June 19 2011, 20:45:49 UTC
I think that you guys have been doing a great job lately with both IC and OOC gamerunning, so thank you for all of your hard work!


speedofnaked June 19 2011, 21:25:35 UTC
Thank you! We will all do our best to keep it up.


ELLEFOLK noelleno June 19 2011, 00:38:55 UTC
Player name: Elle

Characters played:
Jaime Reyes ✖ DCU ✖ owwmyspine
Soldier Blue ✖ Toward the Terra ✖ soldieringblue
Zelgadis ✖ Slayers ✖ inthirds
Giselle ✖ Enchanted ✖ princesscliche

Personal HMD link(s): Catch-all HMD
Anonymous allowed/encouraged? Y/N: NOT HERE, OVER AT THE CATCH-ALL.
Other comments?
So my jobs kill my rp time and I go to bed stupid-early nowadays, which can account for my insane delays/idleouts! I apologize. Anyone who insists on backtagging until we die, please say so and I'll keep it in mind. Otherwise I feel dumb slinking back to posts five-seven days later...

CHEAP IRL EXCUSES ASIDE UHHH...Jaime is 21 now (!), Giselle is Giselle without McDreamy, Blue doesn't go by Solja no more, and Zel expressed feelings and has a gf but is still made of rocks? HOW EXCITING.


lionphox June 19 2011, 00:49:07 UTC
Just saying that I really loved the Giselle music moment!

/slinks off


noelleno June 19 2011, 00:51:50 UTC
I'M SO GLAD YOU DID; it shall be just one of several, I really hope


Re: ELLEFOLK improvesmorale June 19 2011, 00:58:49 UTC
OLESIA CAN VOUCH that I was squealing through the whole thread with Giselle and tiny Katurian. Your narrative was hilarious and dynamic and perfect in all the ways. Like, I was gripping my face at the fairy princess glee. Gripping my face.

So please keep being amazing with her, omg.



ANNWYD annwyd June 19 2011, 00:38:58 UTC
Player name: Annwyd

Characters played:

Keith Anyan ✖ Toward the Terra ✖ prodigitalson
"Snake" (Light) ✖ 999: Nine Hours, Nine Persons, Nine Doors ✖ twicethelight
Vriska Serket ✖ MS Paint Adventures (Homestuck) ✖ arachnopho8ia
Zevran Arainai ✖ Dragon Age: Origins ✖ niceassassin

Personal HMD link(s): Here!
Anonymous allowed/encouraged? Y/N: If you feel the need for it, sure.
Other comments?

♏ I'm very unsure about Vriska's voice and general behavior! She's currently from just before her confession to John and confrontation with Terezi.
♏ Vriska's permissions post is here; you can also let me know if you'd prefer I avoid tagging you entirely with her there.
☠ I understand that Zevran as a character may make people very uncomfortable and that some people would rather not have to deal with him. If he bothers or upsets you, please let me know here so I can avoid tagging you with him in the future.


meowminx June 19 2011, 03:33:38 UTC
I'm actually familiar with zero of your characters, but they all have very distinct voices and Zevran in particular is endlessly entertaining to me to read and interact with. I'll happily take all the tags that no one else wants :3

Seriously, I can't think of any crit other than the voices are consistent and the tagging around Zev does seems IC for how you've played him.


niceassassin June 19 2011, 03:57:03 UTC
Thank you! I'm glad he's appreciated in some quarters, at least. :) I strive to both maintain the superficial masks we see in canon (the casual sluttiness, amorality, and eagerness for violence) and expand from the core motivations and issues that are mostly only hinted at and implied in the game (the effects on his psyche of institutionalized racism and classism, the emotional immaturity and hunger for acceptance, and all that comes with that), so when that works out for people, I'm happy. :)


Re: ANNWYD nai_is_not June 19 2011, 15:33:37 UTC
I really, really enjoy Zevran, and while I'm not at all familiar with the canon, I hear a consistent, clear voice with everything he says. Keith has also been particularly tragic and enjoyable. BASICALLY, KEEP UP THE AMAZING WORK.


supergabbie June 19 2011, 00:39:01 UTC
Player name: gabbie

Characters played:
NORMAN OSBORN, marvel 616 | greengosborn
FELICIA HARDY, spectacular spider-man | acrossyourpath
ELECTRO, marvel 616 | electrouble
HARVEY DENT/TWO-FACE, dc universe | indentcision
ROBERT REYNOLDS, marvel 616 | couldbeavoided
ANDY BERNARD, the office | acahellyeah
EQUIUS ZAHHAK, homestuck | sweatquius
Personal HMD link(s): All of them have them on their journals. My personal inbox is here. All are screened, anon-enabled, and IP-disabled.
Anonymous allowed/encouraged? Y/N: Anon is fine but I prefer logged in!
Other comments? Oh yeah um, Equius! I'm playing him as struggling (as he does) with understanding how he really feels about the caste system, especially here on Earth where blood is so not important. And although he still wants to obey Gamzee he also wants to keep him... from killing any other Trolls... because he wants to keep all of them intact here. Even the ones he hates. Because yeah. Feel free to ask questions if you have any.


slayerpreferred June 19 2011, 02:03:09 UTC
Andy basically makes me the happiest person alive, and I just wanted you to know ♥


supergabbie June 19 2011, 10:15:53 UTC
Ah I'm so glad to hear that. :) Thank you!!


sabresuckup June 20 2011, 05:55:54 UTC
I LOVE ANDY and it was because of the thread with him on d_m that I even apped at all ♥


Jill ironjill June 19 2011, 00:39:11 UTC
Player name: Jill
Characters played: 
Tony Stark ✖ Marvel 616 ✖ iron_liver
Mara Jade ✖ Star Wars EU✖ emperorshand
Mitchell Hundred ✖ Ex Machina ✖ deus_ex_100
Illidan Stormrage ✖ Warcraft ✖ pandablade
Allison Dillon ✖ Marvel MC2 ✖ elecdouble
Megamind ✖ Megamind ✖ megamaniacal
Personal HMD link(s): Stickied thread on each journal!
Anonymous allowed/encouraged? Y/N: Go for it.
Other comments? I know my activity has been somewhat abysmal lately, hoping the hiatus will help it!


Re: Jill fliesacomet260 June 19 2011, 01:16:28 UTC
I was never really worried about Illidan in any sense of the word when I played through Burning Crusade in WoW. It is the complete opposite in C&C. He more than just worries me. Your Illidan is much more three-dimensional.


ironjill June 19 2011, 01:24:51 UTC
Aw! Thank you! I really do love to play him, and he's so much fun to really dig in and play magic!creeper with!


fishnets June 19 2011, 10:55:03 UTC
Just come back to us when it is over, okay? We'll figure out something particularly hideous.

...which, uh. Isn't crit or concrit or even praise. So I should probably add a little more to this. I enjoy all of your characters (sort of impossible not to), but obviously, I have attachments to the ones Zatanna has interacted with more than others. Especially Mitch. All of Zee's are gone now, so expect her to be bothering him more and more.


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