HMD;; April 2011

Apr 17, 2011 14:14

FIRST OFF: INTERNET DRAMA AND YOU! And if this is your first round, you might want to take a look at HOW TO GIVE AND TAKE CRITICISM. Given those a read?

Good. Now let's start.



!hmd, !modpost

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Comments 444

Liz supermanliness April 17 2011, 21:22:37 UTC
Player name: Liz

Characters played:
Carrie/Robin ✖ DC ✖ girlyboywonder
Clark/Superman ✖ DC ✖ supermanliness
Personal HMD link(s): Carrie // Clark
Anonymous allowed/encouraged? Y/N: yes!
Other comments? Carrie is... EMBRACING HER INNER GRIMDARK FRANK MILLERINESS LATELY? And Supes is fresh from the slightly identity-crisis-ish newest arc, if he seems sort of fuzzy and confused. But oh god he's still SO SO NEW, so any hints/tips/reprimands/fuck yous would be appreciated!! okay maybe not the fuck yous.


Re: Liz afriendtosell April 18 2011, 01:25:32 UTC
I like to see more of Supes, actually! Maybe I haven't been looking around in the right places, but he seems kind of quiet to me? Maybe it's because there's a lack of "OHMYGOD MUST SAVE EVERYONE" going on, but I think it'd be great if he were around a bit more just being his derpy self.


girlyboywonder April 18 2011, 02:02:00 UTC
yeah, definitely. i've been on hiatus for the last two weeks, but before that my activity with him wasn't too spectacular either. i'll try to work on that, thanks!


Re: Liz bluepurrymuffin April 18 2011, 03:00:24 UTC
I really enjoy what I see of Carrie! And Clark is pretty rad, too.


oh my god I'm not extremely late for this! asortofdevil April 17 2011, 21:24:05 UTC
Player name:Kai

Characters played: Hijikata Mamoru ✖ Until Death Do Us Part ✖ asortofdevil
Personal HMD link(s): here it is!
Anonymous allowed/encouraged? Y/N: If that makes you comfortable, go right on ahead, dude.
Other comments? Absolutely nothing! I'm off for bed and I hope you guys don't hate me too much on account of my shitty timezone, which makes it hard to keep up with tabs. So yeah! Sorry in advance!


ridethetiger April 18 2011, 03:21:06 UTC
Sadly I know nothing of Mamoru's canon beyond really pretty art and some random pages I read that I didn't understand in the slightest! BUT I absolutely adore threading with him and don't mind the timezone difference at all. I actually try to wake up earlier to tag him.


asortofdevil April 19 2011, 09:17:29 UTC
JHSDFGJSDHASD IT GETS PRETTY COMPLICATED IF YOU READ IT OFF CONTEXT most of the time whenever I just skim past the manga I go "...wait, what the hell is going on?" and it pretty much takes me to not be a lazy ass and read it properly.

SDGHDFSKF OH MY GOD you do not wake up early for this, c'mon. dfgskjfdsjf still it makes me really happy to read this so thank you so very much dsgjf


aliccolo April 18 2011, 03:46:44 UTC
I agree with Terpy! I know nothing of the canon, but I've really enjoyed all of Mamoru's interactions with Matt. And crazy timezones aren't so bad, really. It's awesome to get to thread with someone at 3am my time! :D


NAI nai_is_not April 17 2011, 21:24:48 UTC
Player name: Nai

Characters played:
The Narrator ✖ Fight Club ✖ improvesmorale
Katurian Katurian ✖ The Pillowman ✖ afeatherpillow
Personal HMD link(s):
The Narrator
Anonymous allowed/encouraged? Y/N: I'm not at all scary and I do want to improve. That being said, I'm shy myself and so I can understand the desire to be anonymous. Whichever makes you feel most comfortable!
Other comments?
The Narrator: He's post-movie but has regressed back into Tyler's grasp because he's having serious difficulties coping with his new powers (not being able to feel pain most of the time, immortality) and the whole alternate world thing in general. He's delusional in canon which makes the whole thing worse - he can no longer trust his senses. He isn't sure where reality begins or ends.
Katurian: He's arrived after a traumatic and depressing ending to a traumatic and depressing canon, and will probably always be, to a degree, emotionally frayed. He's been in play for over a year and has matured quite a bit since (read: he's a bit less of a flaily coward, he takes more ( ... )


(The comment has been removed)

afeatherpillow April 18 2011, 00:25:58 UTC
Aaa, thank you so much. ♥


Re: NAI afriendtosell April 18 2011, 01:26:27 UTC
I just want to ping you for possible plot between Tyki and Katurian! Because I needs me some more Katurian in my life.


SARA asphinxiated April 17 2011, 21:24:50 UTC
Player name: Sara

Characters played:
Edward Nygma ✖ DC Comics ✖ enigmaestro
Parker Robbins ✖ Marvel 616 ✖ hoodalumnus
Personal HMD link(s): all purpose, all the time.
Anonymous allowed/encouraged? Y/N: Sure.
Other comments? Eddie's been his usual manipulative self, branching out into new frontiers because some people are nuanced pains in his days. Parker is far more anti-social without Misty to anchor him, and he'll probably get into some nastier crime with Electro down the line. If you have any questions on anything specific, please don't hesitate to inquire.


supergabbie April 18 2011, 01:47:23 UTC
Your plots and character developments are as always brilliant and fun to watch and participate in. WHEN FELICIA IS OFF HIATUS I WANT MORE SHENANIGANS and Eddie now has to live with the fact he made a thirteen-year-old drip with sweat.



enigmaestro April 18 2011, 02:49:17 UTC
Thanks, Gabbie! That means a lot. And thanks for the trauma caused to Eddie, too. He's in denial over that incident c]:c


Re: SARA afeatherpillow April 18 2011, 02:52:38 UTC
YOU ARE SO MUCH FUN TO TAG WITH, I WISH THAT OUR THREADS WOULD NEVER END. (And... they... don't.) But seriously, I'm a broken record, but there's always so much narrative thrumming behind your character and it makes them whole and magnificent. I love it.


AJ newbvampire April 17 2011, 21:24:56 UTC
Player name: AJ

Characters played:
Seras Victoria ✖ Hellsing ✖ newbvampire
Frank Castle/The Punisher ✖ Marvel 616 ✖ due_punishment
Boyd Langton ✖ Dollhouse ✖ rossum_ceo
Personal HMD link(s): All in their respective journals.
Anonymous allowed/encouraged? Y/N: Yes
Other comments?


ctu_savior April 18 2011, 02:54:26 UTC
I've really been enjoying playing with Frank and Seras again now that I'm off hiatus, and have got to throw the Major at Frank sometime.

Also I am playing Metro 2033 as per your suggestion, which means that you owe me new pants. Sweet mother of god, the Librarians...


newbvampire April 18 2011, 03:05:16 UTC
Thank you very much and I'll do my best to keep things at that level. Also I do agree that Frank and the Major need to have some encounters together. There's just too much going on there for it to not be awesome. The weird thing, I'm actually looking forward to them talking more than any action that might result.

I'm glad you enjoyed the game and I'll try to have those new pants out to you as quick as I can hehe. Oh, did you manage to stare down the Librarian by the way, or did you have to resort to blasting them?


ctu_savior April 18 2011, 03:10:53 UTC
I keep trying to stare them down while they get closer... and closer... and then peel back their lips and snarl and do their whole threat-display thing... and then start taking little playful swipes at me that STILL REALLY HURT before they get bored and saunter off. Can I actually blast them? The NPC made it sound like trying to fight them was instant death.


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