*Cracks knuckles*

Mar 08, 2010 13:49

OKAY, I'm gonna try and keep this as compressed as possible to spare your eyes (since we know by now that Kay likes to tl;dr).


As many of you have probably noticed, Kel'Thuzad and The Lich King are very adamant about their attempts to fill the world with undead slaves. However, without their usual resources in the City, they haven't been able to raise a new army by themselves. The Scourge do not give up so easily, and therefore, will be making use of the Plague of Undeath to infect the bakeries of the City.

"But Kay!" you may say, "How will they recreate something like that?!"

That would ruin the surprise, wouldn't it?

In case you don't want to read that whole link, essentially the plague has three stages, all which occur very rapidly after infection:

* Stomach pains, vomiting
* Fever
* Pneumonia-like symptoms
* Light-headedness

* You die

* Bent to the will of the Lich King
* Raised as a "shambling undead horror" (codename: zombie)
* Insatiable hunger for flesh.

But fear not, citizens! The Plague can be cleansed. However, this plague is not your average sickness, and it's going to take more than a simple healing spell of one individual to get rid of it. Please ask a player before you cleanse their character -- some people may want to play out their infection a little longer than others. Unfortunately, we're gonna have to control just how many people make it to stages two and three.

Currently, only 5 slots are available to be killed and raised into a zombie. If you do fall victim, you are welcome to control your own Scourge minion -- the Lich King and Kel'Thuzad will have several of their own zombies to be taking care of. It is your decision whether you want them to be a mindless ghoul incapable of speech or something a little more intelligent than that (but remember -- they're the Lich King's servants for the duration of the plot!) THERE IS NO LIMIT TO THOSE WHO WISH TO BE INFECTED, just those who want to die.

Also, your characters are free to take out any NPC zombies they may see shambling around the City -- there will be plenty of them.

THIS PLOT WILL BEGIN THE 15TH OF MARCH AND END THE 19TH OF MARCH (Beware the Ides of March, my duckies) The Lich King will likely be making the signal post to begin the event and Kins will make sure to mark it as such.

IF YOU HAVE ANY QUESTIONS AT ALL, please direct them here. I'll happily discuss aftermath concerning Kel'Thuzad as well for anyone who may be interested in that. Also feel free to use this post to plot out stuff with your fellow cowlers since I turned notifs off.

The first five players to post with their desire for a death and resurrection will be placed on the list below. If there is an overwhelming interest, I'll shift it to a lottery. PLEASE NOTE: You CAN be infected and avoid death and resurrection -- you just have to find someone to cleanse you.

CLEANSERS: Feel free to mark yourselves as such in the title of your comments so people can find you easier.

1) sosghosts
2) naturesplaya
3) sway_over_time
4) saucy_regent
5) hesakillerqueen

Most importantly, have fun with this guys. We've been looking forward to it for a while.

ETA: Since I just thought of it -- please don't post things on the network such as "DON'T EAT THE BREAD, IT'LL MAKE YOU SICK" or anything like that until people have had a chance to infect their characters. IT WILL NOT be obvious on outward appearance alone that the bread is tainted -- once you bite into it, it will taste unnaturally sweet (but not unpleasant). One bite is enough to infect you.

MORE IMPORTANT ETA2 Police cast, you and WoWcast need to talk about aftermaths and various other things concerning this, when you get a moment. Might we be able to schedule a chat session?


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