Tim, does Santa exist? :O [COMPLETE]

Dec 25, 2008 15:12

WHO: Bart (Impulse) and Tim (Robin III)
WHERE: In the clocktower/Teen Titans HQ
WHEN: December 24th during the day, after Bart talked to Sora and after Cassie's party, before the mini-elitist Titans party.
WHAT: Tim's job includes entertaining Bart, too. And entertaining Bart apparently includes baking a Christmas cake.
FORMAT: Quicklog

Bart: Tim! Does Santa exist here?
Tim: ... I don't know.
Bart: *omgheissohappywoooooooah* So maybe be does????
Tim: Uh, maybe. Let's wait and see.
Bart: I'm not sure I've been a good child though :|
Tim: It's not too late to go do some good deeds, I guess.
Bart: WhatshouldIdo? WhatshouldIdo???
Tim: Go give blankets and things to homeless people, since it's cold.
Bart: *zips away with the clocktower's blankets*
Tim: ... *sighs*
Bart: *is back ohoh* Do I get gifts now?
Tim: Wait until morning.
Bart: I don't like sleeping - sleeping in speedster time sucks.
Tim: *Raises eyebrow*
Bart: *scratches his head* You know you, uh, feel you've slept forever and it only has been a minute?
Tim: I don't get that. I guess you could find something else to do whilst you wait.
Bart: I could find us blankets so we don't get cold!
Tim: Good idea.
Bart: ... Hmm, I guess you didn't mean to give out our blankets earlier. -_-
Tim: Yeah, that wasn't quite what I had in mind.
Bart: Where was I supposed to find blankets then? :\
Tim: That would've kept you busy for a while. *smile*
Bart: Were you just trying to get rid of me? :[
Tim: No D:
Bart: Oh. Okay :3
Bart: I'll bring the blankets back *zips out for a longer time to find blankets to exchange theirs with so the random homeless people still have some even if they're a bit crappier and comes back with the original blankets that are a little wet from the snow* The blankets are back!
Tim: Thank you.
Bart: *looks at the time* Uh, it's not going very quickly :\
Tim: ... Let's... bake a cake?
Bart: Yes! Which cake? Do you have a favourite type of cake?
Tim: Heh. I was thinking Christmas cake? Though I like, um. Madeira cake too.
Bart: Made-what?
Tim: Don't worry about it. Let's make Christmas cake with plenty of frosting, okay?
Bart: So - like, a Christmas log? A chocolate one!
Tim: Sure, that sounds good.
Bart: I remember a recipe Helen made once! Do we even have things to cook with in here?
Tim: Yeah, we do - I made sure to set up the kitchen before moving in. Write the recipe down for me?
Bart: Okay *finds a pen and a papers and writes it down as he remembers it which means it's pretty accurate - it's kind of a simple recipe, too*
Tim: *Reads* Cool, we can make that. You get the ingredients and I'll measure them out, then we can mix them :3
Bart: Sure. *listens and brings the ingredients to Tim, getting flour all over the floor in the process*
Tim: *Makes a note to get Kon to clean that up later as training in fine control of his TTK.* Thanks. *Measures everything out carefully*
Bart: *staaaaaaares* I'm sure you don't have to do it so precisely.
Tim: I want it to come out right. *Tongue sticking out corner of mouth.*
Bart: *stares more and rolls his eyes, sighing loudly*
Tim: ... Alright, I'm done. *Gets out the mixing bowl.*
Bart: *excited again* Can I mix it?
Tim: Sure. *Hands over spoon* Um, but do it slowly, okay?
Bart: *grabs the spoon* Okay, I can do that *mixes veeeeery slowly just in case - which is probably at a good speed :3*
Tim: That's good :3
Bart: *smiles* I can make a cake, no problem. *continues mixing slooooowly until it looks homogeneous a few minutes later* We need a log-cake pan now. A log pan?
Tim: Hmm, one sec. *Rummages* Here we go. *He has one because he lived with Alfred, okay, he knows the importance.*
Bart: *puts all the mix in it but doesn't scrape the bowl so he can do that later and eat the chocolate mixing* All done~
Tim: Okay, in the oven it goes :3 *more precise setting and timers*
Bart: Won't it take half the time if we put the oven at twice the temperature?
Tim: No, then it'll cook too quickly and burn.
Bart: Have you ever tried it?
Tim: ... No, not personally. But it's true.
Bart: *trusts him* *waits* *waits more* *it's been at least a minute* *yawns*
Tim: You want to lick the bowl?
Bart: Oh yes! I had forgotten! *gets the bowl and the spoon and looks at Tim* Do you want to lick it too?
Tim: Yeah. *Sticks finger in to scoop up some mix.*
Bart: *doesn't mind fingers and starts scraping and eating while humming*
Tim: *Eats slowly, licking fingers.*
Bart: Why do you have to eat so slowly, too?
Tim: *Shrugs* I just do.
Bart: It'll be fun when the speedster time hits you.
Tim: ... How does that happen, anyway?
Bart: *busy eating chocolate mixing* How does what happen?
Tim: Getting hit with speedster time?
Bart: Oh! I don't know, I was born in it *nomnom chocolate*
Tim: ... I guess I'll just have to wait and see. *Lick lick.*
Bart: *finishes cleaning the bowl and looks at the time - still 18 minutes left* Remember me I hate cooking next time.
Tim: Heh. Well, there's the dishes and things to wash.
Bart: *goes off to wash dishes - he's careful because he doesn't want to break anything which brings the time it takes to a full half-minute* *piles them up neatly and is soon back by Tim to watch the timer going down slowly* I still hate it.
Tim: Okay, okay. We can play a game of something while we wait?
Bart: What kind of game?
Tim: Hmm... chess?
Bart: You always beat me :\
Tim: Practice makes perfect.
Bart: I want you to give me a handicap~
Tim: *Raises eyebrow* How much of one?
Bart: I want your queen to start off.
Tim: ... Hm. Okay.
Bart: :3 Okay then, where's your chess board?
Tim: In my room, third drawer in my desk.
Bart: ...So I can go in your room to get it? *smirk*
Tim: Yes, but that's the only place you're allowed to look.
Bart: Okay. *goes, hesitates once he's in the room and figures Tim would know if he looked around because he is creepy like that so he only get the chess game and comes back* *places all the pieces quickly on the closest table and keeps one pawn of each color in his hands* Which hand?
Tim: Left.
Bart: *opens his left hand - it's white~* Okay. *turns the chess board so the white pieces are in front of Tim and puts the pawns back on the board* Your turn.
[Bart plays impulsively and Tim... not. Which makes Bart goes crazy every time he has to wait for his turn. Even with the handicap he ended up losing but no that terribly.]
Bart: *pouts* ... *looks at the time - there is about 3 minutes left* We could play blitz chess.
Tim: ... Blitz chess, huh. Sure.
[So, another time skip during which they play a game of blitz that ends up being even closer but Tim stills wins which is basically Batmagic and makes Bart pout more.]
Tim: Ah, it's done. *OVEN MITTS.*
Tim: *Gets the cake out of the oven and puts it to cool* Okay, now we make the frosting for it.
Bart: We make the frosting? We can make frosting?
Tim: Yeah. With icing sugar and water, and... some cocoa powder or melted chocolate.
Bart: :O Can we make tons of icing and eat half of it without putting it on the cake?
Tim: Yes >_>
Bart: :D Okay! Let's start then!
Tim: *Gets out a mixing bowl and icing sugar and chocolate* I'll melt the chocolate, you - slowly - mix the sugar and water, okay?
Bart: *nods and gets the sugar and the water and mixes slowly, adding water and sugar gradually FOREVER so they have TONS OF IT*
Tim: *Oh boy, he's going to regret that. Works on melting the chocolate over boiling water, which takes a while, but eventually he has a nice smooth mix.* Okay, ready for me to add the chocolate?
Bart: Yup!
Tim: Mix whilst I pour. *Pours it, carefully.*
Bart: *mixesmixes*
Tim: *Pooours aaand done.*
Bart: *finishes mixing and starts putting it ALL over the cake yessssss*
Tim: Wa- oh, never mind, I'll neaten it up when you're done.
Bart: *looks at him* Hmm? All we have to do it spread it equally :3
Tim: ... okay :]
Bart: *spreads it - it looks kind of decent, Tim can make it look better* *starts cleaning all the icing that is left his his index - hmmmm, chocolate icing*
Tim: *Works on making it look really good.*
Bart: Do you have any weird decorations we could add on it? *licks hmmhmmmmhmmmmmm*
Tim: Don't eat all of that. We could make some holly leaves out of marzipan to put on it.
Bart: You have a lot of very useless things in your kitchen here. :D
Tim: We're using them, aren't we?
Bart: Only because I was bored :3
Tim: I'm prepared for every eventuality B3
Bart: Oh, sure. XD *stops eating the icing and puts the bowl on the counter*
Tim: *Gets out the marzipan... and sneaks some icing for himself :d*
Bart: *doesn't see Tim but aaaaaw XD* Are we making holly or mistletoe leaves?
Tim: Hmm, we could make both. *Gets out food dye - red and green* And berries.
Bart: *eyes suspiciously at EVERY THING Tim has in a CLOCKTOWER what* Kay, kay, I make the mistletoe leaves and you can make the holly and berries~
Tim: *What, he was getting ready for Christmas.* Hm, okay. *Gives Bart a piece of marzipan and gets to work on his own.*
Bart: *hmm, not sure it looks like mistletoe exactly but if you squint, maybe :)* *looks at Tim's that is generally better* *sticks his tongue out and tries making it recognizable*
Tim: *Very precisely makes holly leaves and berries, with colouring.*
Bart: *is satisfied with his and colours it all in green as slowly as he can*
Tim: Hmm, okay... time to put them on the cake.
Bart: And then we can continue eating the icing!
Tim: Heh, yeah.
Tim: *Puts the leaves and berries on very neatly.* Look good?
Bart: *rolls his eyes* Every thing you make always look mechanically good.
Tim: ..... *nudges a leaf out of place.*
Bart: *laughs at Tim's move * Yeah, it looks better now :3
Tim: Heh. *Embarrassed smile* Okay, let's eat that icing.
Bart: *grins* Great! *gets the bowl and places it between them so they can lick it together :)*
Tim: *Dips his fingers in scoops some up to lick slowly, as usual. :3*
[And then Santa didn't show up but they had a cake for the late Titans' party]

*complete, † bart allen | impulse, tim drake | robin iii

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