[I'll meet you in the Red Room]

Sep 29, 2009 19:23

WHO: Anyone involved in the auction. If your character wasn't, they have to make a donation of at least $25 at the door. Don't forget to tag yourselves in!
WHERE: Lensherr-Maximoff Castle, Rhinebeck County, New York.
WHEN: 7 PM, tonight.
WARNINGS: Anything can happen, so I'd tread carefully.
SUMMARY: The Lensherr-Maximoffs hold a masquerade ball in ( Read more... )

kate kane | batwoman, † john connor | demogorgon, † nigel colbie | pike, † abby boylen | cloud 9, † glados | n/a, † bruce wayne | batman, † raven roth | desdemona, † warren worthington iii | archangel, † leto atreides ii | god emperor, † m'gann m'orzz | miss martian, † gar logan | beast boy, † janet pym | wasp, tony stark | iron man, † billy | dr. horrible, norman osborn | the green goblin, † sarah altman | n/a, † wanda | the scarlet witch, pietro maximoff | quicksilver, † lorna | polaris, † shego | n/a, † kitty pryde | shadowcat, † alison blaire | dazzler, † joseph wilson | jericho, † blackarachnia | n/a, † harleen quinzel | harley quinn, † bakura ryou | shiromadoushi, trowa barton | n/a, † himuro maruko | rex, † lance alvers | avalanche, † e.v.e. | eva, † danielle moonstar | mirage, *in progress, selina kyle | catwoman, † hiruma youichi | devil ace, felicia hardy | black cat, jaime reyes | blue beetle, † arata kagami | kamen rider gatack, tim drake | robin iii, † conner kent | superboy, † shirosaki hichigo | n/a, edward nygma | riddler

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Comments 672

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unnamed_nothing September 30 2009, 02:19:50 UTC
Distracted from the occasional bit of eavesdropping by constantly seeing a rather unusual mask out of the corner of his eye, Trowa pulled himself away from his target to go find out who had been brave enough to wear something so far out of the norm.

That wasn't to say that it was bad, of course; he liked it.

"Pardon me," he said, softly, from Bakura's right side.


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unnamed_nothing September 30 2009, 02:34:55 UTC
"You're fine where you were," Trowa replied, speaking in a calm, even voice. He gestured to the spot Bakura had been occupying, and nodded his head just enough for it to be visible.

Certainly not the reaction he'd been expecting from someone daring to run with the off-kilter crowd.


taughttolisten September 30 2009, 00:05:53 UTC
Finding a tuxedo had been less stressful than he'd anticipated--especially when he had the ability to suggest, ever so gently, that his request take priority--but wearing it was a different matter. Obi-Wan was accustomed to less restrictive clothing, fabric with some give and a loose fit; tonight everything was fitted, tailored, making him feel more decorative than useful.

Luckily, his jacket was long enough in the back for him to be able to clip his lightsaber to his belt (just in case there was some sort of unanticipated problem), and his light-blue silk mask allowed him to at least pretend his identity was more or less a secret.


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taughttolisten September 30 2009, 02:27:54 UTC
There were very few people Obi-Wan knew with the particular color of hair as the young man who'd just approached him; he didn't have to draw on the Force to know who was speaking to him.

"Bakura, hello. How did the auction go for you?"


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liverletdie September 30 2009, 00:09:39 UTC
Clad in probably one of the finest tuxes money could by, Tony was more than willing to get into the spirit of the event, to a certain extent. He was well aware his identity was more than easy to pick up. After all, there were very few men who could pull off facial hair like he could.

Making an appearance at the event was relatively important for someone like him, who thrived on name recognition, although he pointedly avoided the areas where alcohol was served with smooth side-steps and the occasional twist of a subject while he moved through the room.


youmakemesmall September 30 2009, 00:25:32 UTC
Wanda had been very generous in buying Jan a dress that she probably couldn't have even afforded even back when she had a stable job. She probably could have gotten something like it for free from her designer mother but Jan did so hate to depend on people. Tonight, though, she just wanted to relax and enjoy having skin that was healed for the first time in forever.

"You should have at least gotten a full mask to hide that goatee of yours, Stark," Jan said dryly, sipping on her soda. Her own mask did little to cover her face. "I mean, really. Who else but you and maybe a select few villains have facial hair like that?"


liverletdie September 30 2009, 00:30:19 UTC
Tony's lips curled up in a small smile, and he tipped his head in Janet's direction. "Really? I thought it was the color selection that made it obvious," he quipped, before turning to give Janet a full lookover.

"Wow, that dress looks fantastic on you, Jan," he complimented, and appreciative smile spreading across his face.


youmakemesmall September 30 2009, 00:37:19 UTC
"Thanks-- the zipper is hidden, by the way, in case you were wondering where it was," Jan joked. No doubt Tony had probably figured out a way to open zippers with just a thought after her last joke about it. Or a flash of his hefty wallet.

"You clean up nicely yourself."


jewpryde September 30 2009, 00:33:44 UTC
Kitty didn't especially like dressing up. It was nice to look pretty and all but really, her favorite outfit to be in was a pair of sweatpants and a tee shirt. The mask was also a bit uncomfortable. The dress was a little on the form fitting side and rather constricting but there was enough leg room for dancing.

And she did so love to dance.

After having taken lessons since before she was even able to walk, dancing was one of the things Kitty was most confident about. Ballroom dancing? Piece of cake.

Now, if only she had a partner to dance with.


ascending_angel September 30 2009, 00:46:26 UTC
Kitty Pryde, you have been spotted.

It took him awhile, but Warren eventually made his way over to her and gave her a casual nod.

"Don't you look spiffy tonight."


jewpryde September 30 2009, 00:51:14 UTC
She wasn't really understanding the point of the masks. They ALL wore masks, usually, when they were fighting the forces of evil and could still recognize each other. Warren, of course, looked like he was in his element. Shmoozing with rich folk wearing expensive clothes.

"Thanks-- I decided to leave my leather dress at home this time."

Somehow, even his compliment sounded a bit condescending. He was such a jerk and yet, she still liked him. He should feel lucky.


ascending_angel September 30 2009, 00:59:54 UTC
"You know, I should thank you for that," he teased her, slipping his hands in his pockets. He could tell she looked a little put off by his previous comment, but he actually hadn't meant anything by it for once. She looked sophisticated and mature, almost different from the girl he watched grow up.

"Where's your date? Don't tell me I have to kick someone's butt for standing you up."


unlikefather September 30 2009, 01:03:12 UTC
[For somebody used to running around in costume, Joey wasn't looking particularly comfortable with what he'd ended up having to wear. Itchy shoulder seams. And, unsurprisingly, he was starting to look like the smallest person there, which compelled him to squeeze through the gathering crowd and find someplace to sit, out of the way.]


darkprophecies September 30 2009, 01:27:02 UTC
[ A few dances and conversations later, Raven finally found her way over to him, sitting beside him and gently smoothing her dress skirts down. She appeared to be exhausted, in desperate need of a break as it was - but her real reason was preferring to be closer to him than watching over him from afar. He looked so... tiny and lost in all of these crowds. Perhaps she should have stayed behind with him, and found him something more fun to do in the Tower?

Her hands signed with her words as usual. ]

Quite a lot of people here.


unlikefather September 30 2009, 01:49:44 UTC
[Joey gives her a smile, ceasing his idle leg-kicking as she sits down. He has to fight the urge to take the mask off to see her better, but works around it best he can. He lifted his hands to speak:

'It's fancier than I thought.']


darkprophecies September 30 2009, 01:52:34 UTC
[ That brings a laugh to her lips, and she turns her body a bit more to face him. She could allow herself to not be on-edge about potential dangers around them right now. ]

Yes, it's even fancier than I expected. I apologize if you're bored here, Joseph.


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